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Garnish is a Presenter / Decorator pattern for models in Rails. It gives a home to presentation level view logic that normally litters helpers and view files. Using it can help you:

  • Keep helper files and views clean of if/else statements and other logic

  • Better define an interface for views to interact with models

  • Maintain a very familiar OOP pattern within your project directory

  • Keep you controller code clean by never having to instantiate the presenters

  • Handle Decorating / Presenting standard Rails relationships


Garnish Has been tested with

  • Rails 3

  • Ruby 1.8.7, 1.9.2, 1.9.3, 2.0.0, REE, JRuby, Rubinius

  • ActiveRecord, Mongoid


In Rails 3, add this to your Gemfile and run the bundle command.

gem "garnish"

Getting Started

A lot of magic happens with Garnish in an attempt to make things incredibly simple for you.

1. Define You Presenters (Generators coming soon!)

Create a folder in app/ called presenters. ex app/presenters/

Create a presenter matching the name of your model in your presenters folder. ex app/presenters/user_presenter.rb

Define the user_presenter

module UserPresenter
  include Garnish::Presenter

2. Add methods to your presenter

Define methods in your presenter as regular instance methods

module UserPresenter
  include Garnish::Presenter

  def greeting
    if .nil?
      "Welcome #{name}, can we offer you a tour?"
      "Welcome back #{name}"


3. Add the garnish call

In app/controllers/application_controller.rb add the garnish call.

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base


Or If you don’t want to use Garnish application wide simply add the call into a specific controller.

4. Use respond_with

The only change you need to make to start using your presenters now is to use respond_with inside any controller that has been garnished


def show
  @user = User.find(params[:id])

  respond_with @user do |format|
    format.html # show.html.erb

Garnish will now find and load presenters for any instance variables you set inside your action. NOT just the ivar passed to the respond_with block.

5. Start using your presenter methods


<span><%= @user.greeting %></span>

View Helpers

Garnish plays very nicely when adding view helper methods into your presenter. Just treat them like a regular method.

module UserPresenter
  include Garnish::Presenter

  def profile_pic
    image_tag profile_pic unless profile_pic.nil?


The real reason I got down to business. If I’m using presenters in my views I probably have presenters for multiple objects.

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :items

class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :user

Assuming I have presenters for both of these models

module UserPresenter
  include Garnish::Presenter

module ItemPresenter
  include Garnish::Presenter

  def picture
    image_tag profile_pic unless profile_pic.nil?

In my view when I’m accessing a user’s items via the association what I really want is an Item extended with presenter methods not just a regular item.

Garnish handles this for us. Anytime a relationship is accessed on a garnished resource the returned resources will also be extended with their presenter methods.

<%= @user.items.first.picture %>

Works with no effort what so ever.

Questions or Problems?

If you have any issues with Garnish which you cannot find the solution to, please add an issue on GitHub or fork the project and send a pull request.

To get the specs running you should call bundle and then rake. See the spec/README for more information.

Special Thanks

Fraser Valley Ruby Brigade

The Ruby Moguls

Garnish was inspired by draper and the RailsCast Pro episode #287 Presenters from Scratch. See the CHANGELOG for the full list.