
Short description and motivation.


See the Installation section below.

For setting up a DEV environment, clone the directory within a rails project and add to the Gemfile:

gem 'gatepass', path: 'gatepass'


gem 'gatepass', git: ''

See Bundle Git Guide for more


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "gatepass"

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install gatepass


$ bundle add gatepass

Mount the engine with the following line in config/routes.rb :

mount Gatepass::Engine => '/gatepass'

Ensure you also have the root configured (Eg. root 'home#index'') for your Rails application.

Modify the application controller to include the Gatepass module and add the authentication check:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  include Gatepass
  before_action :check_authenticated

In config/application.rb , define the following configuration parameters:

config.ldap_server_hostname = ''
config.ldap_server_port = 636
config.ldap_ca_cert = '/etc/path/ca.cert'
config.ldap_base = 'DN=myldap,DN=com'

Run the migrations with:

rails gatepass:install:migrations
rails db:migrate

Create an initial user account with:

$ rails c
u1 =
u1.username = 'nitin'
u1.password = 'green'
u1.auth_type = 'local'

Create an initial ActiveDirectory user account with:

$ rails c
u1 =
u1.username = 'reddy'
u1.password = 'dummy'
u1.auth_type = 'activedirectory'
u1.rolename = 'admin'
u1.username_mapping = 'CN=reddy,CN=Users,DC=pockettheories,DC=com'

Login with the above account, and access the user account management page at: http://localhost:3000/gatepass/users

The logout URL is: http://localhost:3000/gatepass/authentication/logout

Other Notes

The User model has the fields: username:string auth_type:string password_digest:string username_mapping:string auth_type is local or activedirectory. Use a dummy password for activedirectory users.

If you get the error "SSL_CTX_load_verify_file: system lib" when attempting to login as an ActiveDirectory user, it's Ruby complaining about your OpenSSL version. (On MacOS Ventura 13.4.1, rbenv with Ruby 3.1.0 works; Ruby 3.2.2 doesn't)


Create a pull request on GitHub.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.