Gemverse - Gem Universe

gemverse gem - gem universe incl. rubygems API V1 wrapper lite; gem version cache, gem timeline reports, 'n' more


RubyGems API "To The Metal" Wrapper V1 - Lite Edition

The gemverse includes a lightweight "to the metal" wrapper for the rubygems API V1 that returns data(sets) in the JSON format:

require 'gemverse'

## get all gems owned by the author with the handle / known as gettalong
#    same as
data = Gems::API.gems_by( 'gettalong' )
puts "  #{data.size} record(s)"
#=>  24 record(s)

## get all versions of the hexapdf gem
#    same as"
data = Gems::API.versions( 'hexapdf' )
puts "  #{data.size} record(s)"
#=>  71 record(s)


Gem Cache 'n' Timeline Reports

Let's build a gem timeline report / what's news page. Let's spotlight the work of Thomas Leitner, Austria also known as gettalong who 24 published gems (as of 2023) in the last 10+ years.

Note: Yes, you can. Replace the gettalong rubygems id / login with your own to build your very own timeline.

Step 1 - Online - Get gems & versions via "higher-level" rubygems api calls

cache = './cache' )

gems = Gems.find_by( owner: 'gettalong' )
puts "  #{gems.size} record(s)"
#=>  24 record(s)

## bonus: save gems in a "flat" tabular datafile using the comma-separated values (.csv) format
gems.export( './profiles/gettalong/gems.csv' )

## fetch all gem versions and (auto-save)
##   in a "flat" tabular datafile (e.g. <gem>/versions.csv)
##    using the comma-spearated values (.csv) format
##    in the cache directory
cache.update_versions( gems: gems )

Step 2 - Offline - Read versions from cache and build reports / timeline

cache = './gems' )

gems = read_csv( './profiles/gettalong/gems.csv' )
puts "  #{gems.size} record(s)"
#=>  24 record(s)

versions = cache.read_versions( gems: gems )
puts "  #{versions.size} record(s)"
#=>  238 record(s)

timeline = versions,
                               title: "Thomas Leitner's Timeline" ) "./profiles/gettalong/" )

That's it.

Tip: You can build "custom" timeline reports and filter / select the gems to include as you like. Let's (re)build the timeline for all ruby cocos (code commons) gems.

cache = './cache' )

gems = read_csv( './collections/cocos.csv' )
puts "  #{gems.size} record(s)"

versions = cache.read_versions( gems: gems )
puts "   #{versions.size} record(s)"

timeline = versions,
                               title: 'Ruby Code Commons (COCOS) Timeline' ) "./collections/cocos/" )

That's it.

See Thomas Leitner's Timeline, Jan Lelis's Timeline, Ruby Code Commons (COCOS) Timeline, and some more for some real-world timeline samples.

Or the Gerald Bauer's Gem Timeline (By Week) - 244 Gems, 1652 Updates page.

Or the gems leaderboard at the Vienna.rb / Wien.rb - Ruby Meetup / Stammtisch in Vienna, Austria page.

Yes, you can. Tell us about your gem timeline / leaderboard sample(s) ».


The gemverse scripts are dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.