Geo Vectors
Vector classes and operations for performing various Geo calculations.
require 'geo_vectors_
Insert into Gemfile of the app:
gem 'geo_vectors'
Then run bundler from command line to bundle the gem with the app:
$ bundle
Status and updates
See the Changelog for recent changes and updates!
A GeoVector can be any of:
1) bearing vector – bearing (direction in degrees) and a distance 2) direction vector – direction (:N, :NW, :NE, :S, :SE, :SW, :E, :W) and a distance 3) point vector – number of degrees due east/west (+ or -) and a distance due north/south (+ or -)
A GeoVector can be applied to a GeoPoint (see geo_calc) or to another GeoVector.
Multiple vectors
When multiple vectors are added (or grouped) together, the sum becomes a GeoVectors object except when PointVectors are added the result is a new PointVector. When a GeoVectors object is applied (added or subtracted) to a GeoPoint instance, all the vectors are applied in succession to the geo point. See the specs for more details on the API for a GeoVectors object.
Quick start (Usage guide)
The following gives a quick overview on how to use the GeoVectors API.
Note that using [1, 2].vector
and similar macros (core Ruby extensions), requires that you include the optional macros:
require 'geo_vectors/macros'
Vector math
Vector on Vector addition
If both vectors are point vectors, the result is simply a new point vector. Point vectors can be added to form a new Point vector, using the simple formula
vec = v1 + v2 = (v1.x + v2.y, v1.x + v2.y)
require 'geo_vectors'
require 'geo_vectors/macros'
v1 = [1, 3].vector
v2 = [-2, 2].vector
vec = v1 + v2
vec.unit.should == :degrees == -1
vec.lng.should == 5
# alternative addition operators
vec = v1 << v2
Vector subtraction
v1 = [1, 3].vector
v2 = [2, 1].vector
vec = v1 - v2 # here v2 inversed (scaled by -1) and then added == -1
vec.lng.should == 2
Vector scaling
v1 = [1, 3].vector
vec = v1 * 2 == 2
vec.lng.should == 6
Other scale methods: #scale, #scale!
Inverse scaling (reduction)
v1 = [4, 2].vector
vec = v1 / 2 == 2
vec.lng.should == 1
You can also call #reduce to get the same effect
Bearing vectors
Vector scaling
v1 = [, 32].vector
vec = v1 * 2
vec.bearing.should == 32
vec.distance.should ==
Generate random vector
v1 = [, 32].vector
random_vec = v1.random_vector
random_vec.distance.number.should be_between(0, 3)
This can be used to generate a random point within a circle (i.e radius of a point).
Adding a point Vector to a bearing Vector
If the vectors are of different type, a GeoVectors object is created containing both vectors. A GeoVectors is a composite vector.
p1 = [1, -1]
v1 = [1, 3].vector # point Vector
# 32 deg bearing,
v2 = [32,].vector # bearing Vector
v2.bearing.should == 32
v2.distance.should ==
vec = v1 + v2 # create a GeoVectors object
vec.should be_a(GeoVectors)
vec.vectors.size.should == 2 # should contain 2 vectors
# Adding more vectors to the GeoVectors object
vec.vectors << v3
vec << v4
p2 = p1 + vec # Add GeoVectors to the point
GeoPoint addition
Add a Vector to a GeoPoint
p1 = [1, 3].geo_point
vec = [-2, 2].vector
p2 = p1 + vec == -1
p2.lng.should == 5
Other subtract methods: #add, #add!
p1 = [1, 3].geo_point
p1.add!(-2, 2) == -1
p1.lng.should == 5
GeoPoint subtraction
Subtract a Vector from a GeoPoint
p1 = [1, 3].geo_point
vec = [2, 1].vector
p2 = p1 - vec == -1
p2.lng.should == 2
Subtract a bearing Vector from a GeoPoint
p1 = [1, 3].geo_point
# 32 deg bearing,
vec = [32,].vector
p2 = p1 - vec
Other subtract methods: #sub, #sub!
p1 = [1, 3].geo_point
p1.sub!(, 32) == -1
p1.lng.should == 5
Contributing to Geo Vectors
- Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn’t been implemented or the bug hasn’t been fixed yet
- Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn’t requested it and/or contributed it
- Fork the project
- Start a feature/bugfix branch
- Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
- Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.
- Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.
Copyright © 2011 Kristian Mandrup. See LICENSE.txt for further details.