
Gem Version

getauthtoken is a small command line utility to acquire an authorization token from Xaptum. It's intended to speed up the process of testing API's, since an authorization token is required as a header in every request and new tokens are generated every four hours.

Running getauthtoken from your command line after installation (see below) will always give the current token.


First, install the gem from Ruby Gems.

$ gem install getauthtoken

Alternatively, if you've already installed getauthtoken, update the gem to the latest version.

$ gem update getauthtoken

Note that for the above commands you may need to use sudo gem.

Second, we'll need to create a JSON file .xaptum_config.json that stores your Xaptum configurations. getauthtoken will always use the configurations in this file to acquire your auth token.

In your $HOME directory, create the file .xaptum_config.json with the following structure:

  "username": "<YOUR_USERNAME>",
  "host": "<YOUR_HOST>"

<YOUR_HOST> should normally be or


Simply run getauthtoken from the command line. You will then be prompted for your Xaptum account password. If the password is correct, your token should appear and get copied to your clipboard.

$ getauthtoken
Authenticating with Xaptum...
Enter Password

Your token is <TOKEN>. It has been copied to the clipboard.


You can clone the repository and install the dependencies with Bundler.

$ git clone
$ cd getauthtoken
$ bundle install

Write tests, pass tests, bump version, pull request.

  • Write tests: Write all tests in test/getauthtoken_test.rb.
  • Pass tests: Write code in lib/getauthtoken.rb to pass the tests. You can run tests with rake test.
  • Bump version: The current version of the gem is in lib/getauthtoken/version.rb. After you've made your changes, update this version by following the format MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.
  • Test locally: Running bundle exec rake build will build a new version of the gem that you can run and test locally by installing with gem install pkg/getauthtoken-<VERSION> and then running getauthtoken.
  • Pull request: Open a PR! One of the maintainers will review your changes and work with you to get them merged.

For Maintainers

Build a new gem version, pushing to Github (along with a tag), and add the new version to Ruby Gems

$ bundle exec rake release


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.