Rails Setup

Add the following to your Gemfile

  gem "gg"

Add the following to /config/application.rb

  module Editors
    class Application < Rails::Application
      config.middleware.use GG

WARNINGS! Could not determine CONTENT-LENGTH of response body

The warning "Could not determine content-length of response body" is a Webrick bug and not a GG bug. In production, if you use Thin, this bug will disappear.


GG is a debugging tool like FireBug but for Ruby Rack applications like Rails and Sinatra. It lets you log variables/values to the browser while you work on and debug your web application.

To use it, call "gg" from anywhere in your application followed by the objects that you wish to log to the browser.

gg stands for the "gg" in "logger" but was also chosen because it is easy to type, even when your right hand is on the mouse.

gg "Hello World" 

Of course, it would be more useful to see the value of a variable:

msg = "Hello World"
gg msg 

GG will output to the screen the "gg msg" call, the call position and the data.

It works with Hash and Array values as well as objects from custom classes.

gg [ 1, 2, 3]
gg( :a => 'alpha' ) # note: you can't use gg{ :a => 'alpha' } because Ruby thinks its a block
gg 'cool object' )

Choosing Injection Points

GG always adds the required CSS file at the top of the tag. If there is no tag then it adds it to the top of the content sent to the browser.

GG tries to add the logging information in the HTML where it finds <!--gg-->.

If it cannot find <!--gg--> then it adds the HTML to the top of the page after the css link.

Non-HTML requests (JSON, Images, etc.)

If you call gg during a non-HTML request like a txt, js or css file, GG does not return the value to the screen since this would mess up your application. When this happens, you can access your dump at:


Currently, GG is set up to store 10 dumps at:

/gg/history/0 ... /gg/history/9


rake build


rake install