
The command-line toolkit for effective and productive NotePunch goodness.


  • Ruby v1.9 or above
  • Git v1.7 or above


Install to the global gemset:

$ gem install git-punch

You will now install the post-commit scripts that automatically upload your large files to our servers. This will also edit your project gitconfig to use git-media.

$ git punch install

to install the post-commit scripts.

These scripts will automatically upload large files to our file server, and auto-configure your repo for such a task.


Make sure you have the following in your ~/.gitconfig:


You can find all of this information on the profile page.


To create a new song from the current repo:

$ git punch create --title="An easier to read title" --private

Songs are public unless specifically marked private.

To fork the current repo:

$ git punch fork

This will fork the repo to your user account.

You can also use git-media, auto-configured for NotePunch. Run the following command to upload your files. Note: Your files are uploaded automatically with the Git scripts!

$ git media sync

Check the status of your files at any time:

$ git media status

You can also force-upload all your files to our file server:

$ git media clear && git media sync

Type the following commands for help:

$ git punch help
$ git media help


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


We have not tested this on Windows, at all.