
GitHub's user page (eg. shows 'Longest Streak', how many successive days the user is keep contributing.

This RubyGem provides a command to check if you have done today's contribution and optionally send an email if not.

Build Status


$ gem i github_streak_check


$ github_streak_check GITHUB_USER_NAME

Exit with status 0 if already did contribution, with 1 otherwise.

Sending alert mail

$ github_streak_check foo -m [email protected]

This will send an notification to the given mail address. github_streak_check uses Pony's default way to send email; use /usr/sbin/sendmail if exists, then try to send with SMTP on localhost.

Run test

$ bundle install
$ rspec


IMPORTANT: this gem does not guarantee 100% accuracy!

  • Private repos are not supported
  • Commits to forked repo are not counted unless it is merged to main repo, but github_streak_check returns OK for them, too
  • Fetches only recent 300 events, so it may fail if you make over 300 commits a day.
