
A class for interface to Google’s webmail service


A typical code sequence for fetching gmails

GMailer.connect(name, pwd) do |g|
  g.messages(:label=>"my_label") {|ml|
     puts "Total # of conversations of my_label = " +

Sending new gmails with gmailer

GMailer.connect(name, pwd) do |g|
   # 'From' default account
     :to => "[email protected],, [email protected]",
     :cc => "[email protected]",
     :subject => "Hello There!",
     :body => "Hi...\n\nBlah blah blah~...",
     :files => ["./my_pic.jpg", "./my_cv.txt"])
   # Send html email
     :to => "[email protected],, [email protected]",
     :subject => "Hello There!",
     :ishtml => 1,
     :body => "<font color=blue>Hi...\n\nBlah blah blah~...</font>")
   # multiple verified email addresses and choose one 'From:' email address
     :from => "[email protected]",
     :to => "[email protected],, [email protected]",
     :cc => "[email protected]",
     :subject => "Hello There!",
     :body => "Hi...\n\nBlah blah blah~...",
     :files => ["./my_pic.jpg", "./my_cv.txt"])

Playing around with contact list

GMailer.connect(name, pwd) do |g|
  puts "Your frequently used addresses:"
  g.fetch(:contact=>"freq").each do |item| 
    puts "Name: #{} Email: #{}" 
  puts "Your all contact addresses:"
  g.fetch(:contact=>"all").each do |item| 
    puts "Name: #{} Email: #{}" 
  puts "Your groups:"
  g.fetch(:contact=>"group").each do |item| 
    puts "ID: #{} Name: #{} Email: #{}" 
    g.fetch(:contact=>"group_detail",:param=> do |detail| 
      puts "  Group Name: #{detail.group_names} Group Email: #{detail.group_email}"
      detail.members.each do |m|
        puts "  Member ID: #{}, Name: #{}, Email: #{}"
  puts "Search and Detail Contact:"
  g.fetch(:contact=>"search",:param=>'phasis').each do |item| 
    puts "Name: #{} Email: #{}" 
    g.fetch(:contact=>"detail",:param=> do |detail| 
      puts "ID: #{} Name: #{} Email: #{} Notes: #{item.notes} Details: #{item.details}" 
  puts "Edit contact info:"
  contact_id = "7"
  g.edit_contact(contact_id, "John", "[email protected]", 'Supervisor of project X',[{:phone=>'642-5678',:mobile=>'837-1233',:fax=>'111-1111'}])      
  puts "Add contact info:"
  g.add_contact('Mike', '[email protected]', 'Mike',[{:phone=>'642-5678',:mobile=>'837-1233',:fax=>'111-1111'},{:phone=>'1-23-5378',:mobile=>'8-31-1233',:fax=>'122-1321'}])      
  puts "Delete Contact:"
  contact_id = "18"
  puts "Add sender to Contact:"
  msg_id = '11276ede68783f04'

Get list of labels and get list of messages

GMailer.connect(:username=>name,:password=>pwd) do |g|

labels = g.labels
g.messages(:label=>labels[0]).each {|m|
   puts "Subject: #{m.subject} / Snippet: #{m.snippet}" if


Edit labels

GMailer.connect(:username=>name,:password=>pwd) do |g|

#creating new labels

#renaming existing labels

#deleting labels

#applying a label to a message

#removing a label from a message

g.msg(msgid) {|m|
  #applying a label to a message

  #removing a label from a message


Update preferece

GMailer.connect(:username=>name,:password=>pwd) do |g|


:keyboard_shortcuts=>true, :indicators=>true, :display_language=>‘en’, :signature=>‘This is a signature’, :reply_to=>‘[email protected]’, :snippets=>true, :display_name=>‘Display Name’)

pref = g.preference
puts "Display language:#{pref.display_language}, Max Page Size:#{pref.max_page_size}"


Apply star and remove star

GMailer.connect(:username=>name,:password=>pwd) do |g|

#apply star to a message
g.apply_star(msgid)  # or g.msg(msgid).apply_star
#remove star from a message
g.remove_star(msgid) # or g.msg(msgid).remove_star


Archive and unarchive a message

GMailer.connect(:username=>name,:password=>pwd) do |g|

#archive a message
g.archive(msgid)  # or g.msg(msgid).archive
#unarchive a message
g.unarchive(msgid) # or g.msg(msgid).unarchive


Mark read and unread a message

GMailer.connect(:username=>name,:password=>pwd) do |g|

#mark a message as read
g.mark_read(msgid) # or g.msg(msgid).mark_read
#mark a message as unread
g.mark_unread(msgid) # or g.msg(msgid).mark_unread


Report spam and reverse

GMailer.connect(:username=>name,:password=>pwd) do |g|

#report a message as not spam
g.report_spam(msgid) # or g.msg(msgid).report_spam
#report a message as not spam
g.report_not_spam(msgid) # or g.msg(msgid).report_not_spam


Trash In & Out and delete a message

GMailer.connect(:username=>name,:password=>pwd) do |g|

#move a message to trash
g.trash(msgid) # or g.msg(msgid).trash
#move a message from trash to inbox
g.untrash(msgid) # or g.msg(msgid).untrash
#delete a trash message forever
g.delete_trash(msgid) # or g.msg(msgid).delete_trash
#delete a spam message forever
g.delete_spam(msgid) # or g.msg(msgid).delete_spam
#delete a message forever
g.delete_message(msgid) # or g.msg(msgid).delete_message


Show Original Message

GMailer.connect(:username=>name,:password=>pwd) do |g|

#show original
g.show_original(msgid) # of g.msg(msgid).original


Fetch messages with filter

GMailer.connect(:username=>name,:password=>pwd) do |g|

g.messages(:standard=>'all',:read=>false).each_msg {|msg|
   puts "subject: " + msg.subject 
   puts "from:    " + msg.sender 
   puts msg.body
   puts msg.original


Class Methods‘UTF-8’) Returns a new GMailer object and set up charset.,pwd,charset=‘UTF-8’) Returns a new GMailer object and set up login information and charset.

Instance Methods

set_login_Info(name, password, GMT_timezone=0) To set the login information before connect.

connect() To connect to GMail. It returns 1 if succeed, 0 otherwise.

connect(name,pwd,charset=‘UTF-8’) Returns a new GMailer object and set up login information and charset. and connect to GMail.

connect(connet hash) Returns a new GMailer object and set up login information and charset. and proxy connect to GMail. proxy_port, proxy_user, proxy_pass can be omitted.

key - type simbol. One of :username,:password,:charset,:proxy_host,:proxy_user,:proxy_pass
value - each value of type
e.g. connect(:username=>'user',:password=>'pass',:proxy_host=>'proxy-host',

connected? To check if connected.

fetch(action hash) To fetch a result from GMail by given hash type=>box key - type: symbol. One of :label,:standard,:conversation,:preference,:contact,:preference,:pos value - box : name of “box” (e.g. Inbox, your_label, “all”/“freq” of contacts) or position: cursor for paged result. used

e.g. fetch(:label=>'my_label',pos=>0)
It returns contact list in case key is :contact else returns sanpshot object

fetch_box(type,box,position) To fetch a result from GMail by given: type: Gmailer constant, e.g. GM_LABEL. box: name of “box” (e.g. Inbox, your_label, “all”/“freq” of contacts) position: cursor for paged result.

snapshot(type) To get a “snapshot”, an object (see GMailSnapshot below) for you to access query result at ease.

labels() To get list of labels.

preference() To get hash of preference setting.

messages() To get list of messages.

attachment(attachment_id,message_id,filename,zipped) To download an attachment of a message. If zipped is true, download ALL attachements of message_id in a zip file.

attachments_of(conv, path_to_store_files) To download ALL files attached to a conversation. The full path of downloaded files will be returned (as array).


To create new label


To rename old_label to new_label


To delete a label


To apply a label to a message


To remove a label to a message


To apply starring to a message


To remove starring from a message


To move a message to trash


To move a message out of trash


To archive a message


To unarchive a message


To fetch a message with msgid

update_preference(preference hash)

To update preference setting
hash is one of :max_page_size(25,50,100),:keyboard_shortcuts(true,false),:indicators(true,false),
 :display_language(two letter country code like 'en','ja','ko'...),:signature,:reply_to,
 e.g update_preference(:max_page_size=>100,:display_language=>'en')

send(to,subject,body,cc,bcc,message_replying,thread_replying,attachments,draft_saving,draft_id) To send gmail or save drafts. to, cc and bcc are comma-separated addresses. attachments is an array of names of files to be attached.

send(hash argument) To send gmail or save drafts. to, cc and bcc are comma-separated addresses. attachments is an array of names of files to be attached. e.g

send(:to => "[email protected]" ,
:subject => "Hello There!",
:body => "Hi...\n\nBlah blah blah~...",
:files => ["./test.txt"])

perform_action(action_type,message_id,label) To perform action on message. message_id can be a string if only one message to be acted.

disconnect() To disconnect from gmail.

dump(query) To dump ALL it gets from URL query string, including headers.

standard_box() To get an array of names of the “standard box” (Inbox, Starred, etc.)

invite(email) To send invite to email.


GM_STANDARD All about “Standard Box” (Inbox, Sent, All, Starred, Spam, Trash).

GM_LABEL All about labels.

GM_CONVERSATION All about conversation.

GM_QUERY All about search query.

GM_CONTACT All about contact list.

GM_ACT_APPLYLABEL GM_ACT_REMOVELABEL Apply/remove label from message.

GM_ACT_STAR GM_ACT_UNSTAR Star/unstar a message.

GM_ACT_SPAM GM_ACT_UNSPAM Mark/unmark message as spam.

GM_ACT_READ GM_ACT_UNREAD Mark message as read/unread.

GM_ACT_ARCHIVE GM_ACT_INBOX Move message away from/to Inbox.

GM_ACT_TRASH GM_ACT_UNTRASH Move message to/away from Trash.

GM_ACT_DELFOREVER Delete message forever.

GM_ACT_UNDRAFT Discard a draft.

GM_ACT_TRASHMSG Trash an individual message (not entire conversation).

GM_ACT_DELSPAM Delete (forever) a spam.

GM_ACT_DELTRASHED Delete (forever) a conversation in Trash.

Standard constants

VERSION Returns the current version number of this package as a String.

Instance variables available to snapshot type: all except GM_CONTACT

gmail_ver Version of GMail javascript core program

quota_mb Mailbox quota in MB

quota_per Mailbox quota in percentage

std_box_new An array of conversations. Number of unread mails in each standard boxes. You may call GMailer::getStandardBox() to get an array of names of standard boxes.

have_invit Number of invites you have. 0 = no invitation, etc.

label_list An array of label names.

label_new An array of label names. Number of unread mails in each labels.

Instance variables available to snapshot type: GM_STANDARD, GM_LABEL, GM_QUERY

box_name Name of the standard box/label or query string currently viewing.

box_total Total number of conversations in current mailbox.

box_pos Current starting position (for paged results).

box An array of conversations in current mailbox.

methods of each conversation

id Conversation ID

is_read 0 = read; 1 = not read yet.

new? false = read; true = not read yet.

is_starred 0 = not starred; 1 = starred.

star? false = not starred; true = starred.

date Arrival date/time of the most recent message.

sender Senders of message in this conversation.

flag Flag.

subject Subject of this conversation.

snippet “Snippet”, or preview of this conversation.

labels Number-indexed Array. Name of labels that this conversation is bearing.

attachment Number-indexed Array. Name of all attaching files of this conversation.

msgid Message ID of the most recently received message of this conversation.

Example (to get the subject of 6-th conversation of current viewing box):[“subject”]

Instance variables available to snapshot type: GM_CONVERSATION

conv_title Subject (title) of this conversation.

conv_total Total number of messages in this conversation.

conv_id Conversation ID.

conv_labels Number-indexed Array. Name of labels that this conversation is bearing.

conv_starred Is the conversation starred? This is true if any of the messages of a conversation is starred.

conv An array of messages of current conversation.

conversation method

index Index.

id Message ID.

is_draft Is draft or not.

draft_parent Replying message ID of this draft.

sender Name of sender of this message.

sender_email Email address of the sender.

recv Name of recevier of this message.

recv_email Email address of the receiver.

reply_email Replying address of this message.

cc_email CC address of this message (draft).

bcc_email BCC address of this message (draft).

dt_easy Arrival date/time of this message in “easy” format, e.g. 9 Aug (2 days ago).

dt Arrival date/time of this message in “long” format, e.g. Mon, 9 Aug 2004 19:34:03 +0800.

subject Subject of this message.

is_starred Is the message starred?

snippet “Snippet”, or preview of this message.

body Message body.

attachment An array of attachment-information.

methods of each attachment

id Attachment ID.

filename Filename of this attching file.

type File type (e.g. JPG, GIF, PDF) of this attaching file.

size Size in bytes of this file. Example: snapshot.conv[“attachment”][“size”] (size of the 2nd attaching file of the 4th messages of current conversation)

Instance variables available to snapshot type: GM_CONTACT

contacts An array of entries of your address book.

methods of each contact

name Name (nickname).

email Email address.

notes Notes.




This class was originally based on the libgmaier for PHP module by Y.H.Gan (

To Do

Proxy Setting

Known Bugs

None that I know of. Please log any other bug reports on the RubyForge

project page at


(C) 2005 Park Heesob, All Rights Reserved


This package is provided “as is” and without any express or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.


Park Heesob
phasis at gmail dot com
phasis68 on IRC (freenode)