GMP-ECM is a C implementation of the Elliptic Curve Method for factorizing integers. This library, gmp_ecm, provides Ruby bindings to this library.

The only prerequisite to using gmp_ecm is the gmp gem, which provides Ruby bindings to GMP, a prerequisite to using the GMP-ECM library. The gmp gem is required because most numbers (input integer, resultant factors, and various parameters) are passed around as GMP::Z numbers.


The function of the gmp_ecm library is contained almost entirely in the GMP::Z#ecm_factor method (binding to GMP-ECM's ecm_params C function). So in order to start factorizing an integer, one must first initialize a GMP::Z number, and then call #ecm_factor against it. Just as in the C library, this method requires the B1 parameter to be passed in. Optionally, the user can pass in a second parameter, a Hash, or an ECMParams object. This will be passed to ecm_factor as an ecm_params struct.

Just now, not all of the fields in ecm_params is available. The current list of supported parameters is in the docs.


Here is an example of repeatedly hitting up GMP-ECM for factors of 2**71 - 1:

z = GMP::Z(2)**71 - 1 #=> 2361183241434822606847
z.ecm_factor(1_000_000)  #=> [1, 2361183241434822606847]
z.ecm_factor(1_000_000)  #=> [1, 11091312221959]
z.ecm_factor(1_000_000)  #=> [1, 2361183241434822606847]
z.ecm_factor(1_000_000)  #=> [1, 2361183241434822606847]
z.ecm_factor(1_000_000)  #=> [1, 48639942238007]

GMP::Z#ecm_factor returns a pair. The first element tells whether or not a factor was found:

  • 1 means a factor was found in step 1.
  • 2 means a factor was found in step 2.
  • 0 means no factor was found.
  • a negative value means an error occurred.


The ECMParams class is not implemented yet. For now, you can supply the ecm_params parameter as a hash:

  • Any value expected to be a mpz_t can be a Fixnum or a GMP::Z.
  • Any value expected to be an int, including unsigned, must be a Fixnum.
  • Any value expected to be a double must be a ruby Float.
  • Any value expected to be a FILE* must be a ruby IO object, typically created with'filename', 'w').


gmp_ecm is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0