This is gem for help to point on google map. You can marker your address and search your location


in your Gemfile

    gem 'gmpoint', git: '[email protected]:dangluan/gmpoint.git'

Setting Up

rails g gmpoint:install
rails g gmpoint MODEL
rake db:migrate


Registry google map key and add google map key in your head tag in application.html.erb

<%= google_map_api_js("your google api key") %>

Require into your application.js

//= require locations

Add code below into any where if you want to display the map :

    <%= show_map_helper your_model %>

        <%= show_map_helper user %>

You can set options for view

You can set "width" , "height" for map view

    <%= show_map_helper user, {width: 400, height: 200} %>
    <%= show_map_helper user, {searchbox_width: 300} %>
    <%= show_map_helper user, {searchbox: 'show', width: 400, height: 200, searchbox_width: 300} %>

and when you want to hide the search box
    <%= show_map_helper user, {searchbox: 'none', width: 400, height: 200, searchbox_width: 300} %>

You can only set show or point to map using attribute "allow"

    <%= show_map_helper user, {allow: 'show', searchbox: 'none', width: 400, height: 200, searchbox_width: 300} %>

and when you want to point
    <%= show_map_helper user, {allow: 'point', searchbox: 'none', width: 400, height: 200, searchbox_width: 300} %>

    <%= show_map_helper user, {width: 400, height: 200, searchbox_width: 300} %>

You can set latitude and longitude default for your place

<%= show_map_helper user, {latitude: 1.3028, longitude: 103.35, allow: 'show', searchbox: 'none', width: 400, height: 200, searchbox_width: 300} %>

You can set zoom for map

<%= show_map_helper user, {zoom: 10, latitude: 1.3028, longitude: 103.35, allow: 'show', searchbox: 'none', width: 400, height: 200, searchbox_width: 300} %>