
A command-line interface to Google Tasks das ist goot.


gem install goot


Prints a summary of tasklists and their indexes

goot summary
goot s

Lists tasks in a given list (0 by default)

goot ls

Toggle a task by index

goot toggle 3
goot t 3
goot t 3 4 6

Clear completed tasks

goot clear
goot c

Delete a task

goot delete 3
goot d 3
goot d 3 4 6

Add a task

goot add "foo"
goot a "foo"
goot a "foo" "bar" "baz"

Move a task

goot move 3 -a 1
goot m 2 -p 0

Add a new tasklist

goot listadd "New list"

Delete a tasklist

goot listdelete 0