GoPollGo API Wrapper

This is a simple Ruby wrapper to the GoPollGo API to make creating a poll super simple.


Using the wrapper and creating a poll with your app takes only a few seconds.

require 'rubygems'
require 'gopollgo'

# Start a new client.
client =

# Create a poll.  The returned value is a Hash
# {
#   "id" : "what-is-your-favorite-color",
#   "embed_code" : "<a href=\"\" id=\"what-is-your-favorite-color-3-placeholder\">View poll on GoPollGo</a><script>var GPG = window.GPG = window.GPG || {};GPG.slug=\"what-is-your-favorite-color-3\";GPG.path=\"http://localhost:3000\";(function() {var gs = document.createElement(\"script\");gs.type = \"text/javascript\";gs.src = \"\";gs.defer = true;var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(gs, s);})();</script>" 
# }
poll = client.create_poll({
  :question => "What is your favorite color?",
  :options  => ["Blue", "White", "Orange", "Green"]

Copyright (c) 2012 Go Poll Go, Inc.