
A simple way to use ActiveRecord with your Grape apps. The defaults are all very Railsy (config/database.yml, db/seeds.rb, db/migrate, etc.), but you can easily change them.

How to use

1. Add it to your Gemfile

gem "grape-activerecord"

2. Configure your database connection

After loading your gems, tell Grape::ActiveRecord about your database config using one of the following examples:

Grape::ActiveRecord.configure_from_file! "config/database.yml"
Grape::ActiveRecord.configure_from_url! ENV['DATABASE_URL'] # e.g. postgres://user:pass@host/db
Grape::ActiveRecord.configure_from_hash!(adapter: "postgresql", host: "localhost", database: "db", username: "user", password: "pass", encoding: "utf8", pool: 10, timeout: 5000)

3. Enable ActiveRecord connection management

This ActiveRecord middleware cleans up your database connections after each request. Add it to your file:

use ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionManagement

4. Import ActiveRecord tasks into your Rakefile

This will give you most of the standard db: tasks you get in Rails. Add it to your Rakefile.

require "bundler/setup"
require "grape/activerecord/rake"

namespace :db do
  # Some db tasks require your app code to be loaded, or at least your gems
  task :environment do
    require_relative "app"

Unlike in Rails, creating a new migration is also a rake task. Run bundle exec rake -T to get a full list.

bundle exec rake db:create_migration NAME=create_widgets


Look under /example for an example app.

Advanced options

The defaults for db-related files like migrations, seeds, and fixtures are the same as Rails. If you want to override them, use the following options in your Rakefile:

Grape::ActiveRecord.db_dir = 'db'
Grape::ActiveRecord.migrations_paths = ['db/migrate']
Grape::ActiveRecord.fixtures_path = 'test/fixtures'
Grape::ActiveRecord.seed_file = 'seeds.rb'


Licensed under the MIT License

Copyright 2014 Jordan Hollinger