
Grapher creates interactive time graphs simply by passing in Active Record Relations to a helper method. There is no more need to take the time to format your data before passing it in to a helper. Just pass the relation in and this Grapher will do the work for you. Grapher uses SVG to display it’s graphs. All modern browsers support SVG, but not all browsers (IE8 or less).


You can let bundler install Grapher by adding this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'grapher'

And then execute:

bundle install

Or install it yourself with:

gem install grapher


In your application.js file:

//= require grapher/grapher
  • grapher.js will also include d3.v2.js.

In your application.css file:

//= require grapher/grapher

Basic Usage

Add this helper method to any view to create a quick time graph.

<%= graph("month") do |g| %>
  <% g.line(Model) %>
<% end %>

Choose whether you want the graph to sort by “month”, “day” or “hour”.

<%= graph("day") do |g| %>
  <% g.line(Model) %>
<% end %>

Line takes any active model relation.

<%= graph("day") do |g| %>
  <% g.line(User.where(registered: true)) %>
<% end %>

You can have multiple lines per graph.

<%= graph("day") do |g| %>
  <% g.line(User.where(registered: true)) %>
  <% g.line(User.where(registered: false)) %>
<% end %>

Line Options

By default, all relations are grouped by :created_at. Use :column to change what the relation is grouped by. This column must be a date field since it is grouping by time periods.

<% g.line(User, column: "logged_in_at") %>

Pass in a bock to do a more advanced sort on the model.

<% g.line(User){|r| r.average(:points)} %>


<% g.line(User){|r| r.sum(:points)} %>

Use :label to change the interactive label when you hover.

<% g.line(User, column: "logged_in_at", label: "Amount") %>

Graph Options

Changing class:

<%= graph("day", class: "user-graph") do |g| %>

Use :xinterval and :yinterval to change how many labels show up on the axis. They default to around 4 and might fluctuate a bit depending on your data.

<%= graph("day", xinterval: "10", yinterval: 20) do |g| %>

By default, the line is interpolated as linear. You can change the interpolation method to a curved line or many other styles. The styles can be found here:

<%= graph("day", interpolate: "cardinal") do |g| %>

Styling the Graph

You can style any element of the graph with CSS. The color of the lines and colored line elements will have to be overridden with !important.

.line-0{color: #435581 !important}

The graph will default to the size of it’s parent div. Add a parent div around it and set it’s width and height to guarantee the size of the graph. If no height is given, the graph’s height will default to 1/3 the width.

<div style='width:300px; height:150px;
  <%= graph("month") do |g| %>
    <% g.line(Model) %>
  <% end %>