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A simple Ruby wrapper for the Gratipay API. Please follow the Changelog to check the status of the project.


gem install gratitude


The gratitude gem interacts with the six different endpoints of the Gratipay API. They are as follows:

When using gratitude to retrieve data from the Gratipay API, please note that many of the JSON key names have been wrapped in more naturally sounding method names. However, all of the original JSON key names have also been maintained as aliases so as to maitain consistency with the original Gratipay API documentation.

Charts (source code)

The Chart endpoint of the Gratipay API provides aggregate statistics over time which are used in Gratipay's chart page. To retrieve this information, use the following command:


The above will return an array of Chart objects. Each Chart object responds to the following methods:

  • active_users
  • charges
  • date
  • total_gifts
  • total_users
  • weekly_gifts
  • withdrawals

You can then iterate through this array of chart objects to persist them to a database or get whatever information you need.

charts = Gratitude::Chart.all
charts.each do |chart|
  # get whatever information you want from the chart object
  # using the above mentioned methods.

If you want to get the oldest chart:


Finally, if you just want to get the most recent chart, you can do so by using:


Paydays (source code)

The Gratipay API provides access to the historical data of all its paydays. To retrieve this information, simply use the following command:


The above will return an array of Payday objects. Each Payday object responds to the following methods:

  • ach_fees_volume
  • ach_volume
  • charge_fees_volume
  • charge_volume
  • number_of_ach_credits (aliases: nachs & number_of_achs )
  • number_of_active_users (aliases: nactive & number_active)
  • number_of_failing_credit_cards (alias: ncc_failing)
  • number_of_missing_credit_cards (alias: ncc_missing)
  • number_of_charges (alias: ncharges)
  • number_of_participants (alias: nparticipants)
  • number_of_tippers (alias: ntippers)
  • number_of_transfers (alias: ntransfers)
  • transfer_volume
  • transfer_end_time (alias: ts_end)
  • transfer_start_time (alias: ts_start)

You can then iterate through this array of payday objects to persist them to a database or get whatever information you need.

paydays = Gratitude::Payday.all
paydays.each do |payday|
  # get whatever information you want from the payday object
  # using the above mentioned methods.

If you want to get the oldest payday:


Finally, if you just want to get the most recent payday, you can do so by using:


Statistics (source code)

The Statistics aspect of the Gratipay API provides the current statistics, as of that moment in time, for Gratipay. Note that these stats can potentially change when making subsequent requests.

If you would like to get the current Gratipay stats, you can do so by using:


Alternatively, you can also use:

Each of the above will return an object containing all of the current Gratipay stats. You can access each of the Gratipay stats using the following methods:

  • average_tip_amount (alias: average_tip)
  • average_number_of_tippees (alias: average_tippees)
  • amount_in_escrow (alias: escrow)
  • last_thursday
    • This refers to the last Thursday when payments/transfers occured. Possible values include: "last Thursday", "today", "yesterday", and "this past Thursday".
  • number_of_ach_credits (aliases: nach & number_of_achs)
  • number_of_active_users (alias: nactive)
  • number_of_credit_cards (alias: ncc)
  • number_of_givers (alias: ngivers)
  • number_who_give_and_receive (alias: noverlap)
  • number_of_receivers (alias: nreceivers)
  • other_people
    • This returns a string describing how many people the average person on Gratipay tips.
  • percentage_of_users_with_credit_cards (alias: pcc)
  • punctuation (alias: punc)
    • This is used internally by the Gratipay API for figuring out last_thursday and this_thursday. It's unlikely that this will need to be utilized by anyone using the gratitude gem.
  • statements
    • This returns an array of 16 hashes. Each hash provides the personal statement of a Gratipay user and has the following keys: statement, username. Note that this will return a different array of hashes each time you query the Gratipay API.
  • this_thursday
    • This refers to the upcoming Thursday when payments/transfers are set to occur. Possible values include: "this Thursday", "today", "right now!", and "next Thursday"
  • tip_distribution_json

    • This returns a hash. Each key in the hash is a float which represents a tip amount (for example, $0.01, $0.25 or $1). The value of each key is an array. The first element in the array is an integer representing the total number of users who have pledged that amount. The second element in the array is a float which shows how much this tip amount makes up of all the possible tips. For example, the hash returned will look like the following: { 0.01: [11, 0.002153484729835552], … }

      In this example, the amount being tipped is $0.01. The amount of users tipping this amount is 11, and the total tip amount for this tip size makes up 0.2153484729835552% of all tips distributed. The hash will contain many more elements, each with the same structure.

  • number_of_tips (alias: tip_n)

  • value_of_total_backed_tips (alias: total_backed_tips)

  • transfer_volume

User Charts (source code)

The User Chart endpoint of the Gratipay API provides aggregate stats over time for a given user.

To retrieve this information, do the following:


This will return an array of UserChart objects for the requested username. Each UserChart object provides the following data:

  • username
  • date
  • number_of_patrons (alias: npatrons)
  • receipts

If you want to get the oldest chart for a given user:


Finally, if you just want to get the most recent chart, you can do so by using:


Profile (source code)

The Profile aspect of the Gratipay API allows you to get the public profile information of any Gratipay user. To do so, just pass their username as an initialization argument to the Gratitude::Profile class."JohnKellyFerguson")

The above will retrieve the public profile of the above user. You can then access all of the different information with the following methods:

  • avatar_url (alias: avatar)
  • bitcoin
    • returns a link to the user's bitcoin address
  • bitbucket
    • returns a hash containing their bitbucket username, id, and user id if the user has connected their bitbucket account.
    • otherwise, returns nil.
  • bitbucket_username
    • returns the user's bitbucket username if they have connected a bitbucket account.
    • otherwise, returns nil.
  • bountysource
    • returns a hash containing their bountysource username, id, and user id if the user has connected their bountysource account.
    • otherwise, returns nil.
  • bountysource_username
    • returns the user's bountysource username if they have connected a bountysource account.
    • otherwise, returns nil.
  • github
    • returns a hash containing their github username, id, and user id if the user has connected their github account.
    • otherwise, returns nil.
  • github_username
    • returns the user's github username if they have connected a github account.
    • otherwise, returns nil.
  • openstreetmap
    • returns a hash containing their openstreetmap username, id, and user id if the user has connected their openstreetmap account.
    • otherwise, returns nil.
  • openstreetmap_username
    • returns the user's openstreetmap username if they have connected a openstreetmap account.
    • otherwise, returns nil.
  • twitter
    • returns a hash containing their twitter username, id, and user id if the user has connected their twitter account.
    • otherwise, returns nil.
  • twitter_username
    • returns the user's twitter username if they have connected a twitter account.
    • otherwise, returns nil.
  • venmo
    • returns a hash containing their venmo username, id, and user id if the user has connected their venmo account.
    • otherwise, returns nil.
  • venmo_username
    • returns the user's venmo username if they have connected a venmo account.
    • otherwise, returns nil.
  • amount_giving (alias: giving)
    • returns the amount (as a float) the user has pledged to give this week.
    • if the user has decided to donately privately then this will return 0.00.
  • amount_receiving (alias: receiving)
    • returns an estimate as a float of what the given user is expected to receive this week.
  • number_of_patrons (alias: npatrons)
    • returns the number of other gratipayers that donate to the user being queried.
  • on
    • returns the platform name: "gratipay"
  • goal
    • returns the amount (as a float) that the user would like to receive weekly if the user set such a goal.
    • returns nil if the user has defined themselves as a patron or has not set a specific monetary goal.
  • account_type (alias: number)
    • returns either 'singular' or 'plural' representing the type of account the user has.
  • id
    • the id of the user.

Tips (client authentication source code, tips source code)

The Tips aspect of the Gratipay API allows you to retrieve and update the current tips of an authenticated user. In order to interact with this aspect of the API, you will need your username and API_KEY. To find out your API Key, log into your Gratipay account, go to your profile and at the bottom of the page you will find your API_KEY.

Gratipay API Key

Now that you have your API_KEY, you can find out your current tips or update your tips using Gratitude.

Determing Current Tips

To find out the current tips of a user, follow these instructions:

# First establish a connection to the Gratipay API by passing in your credentials to
# You will need to pass in your username and api key like so.
client = => "my_username", :api_key => "my_api_key")
# Then, to find out your current tips, simply call the current_tips method.

This will will return an array of hashes that represent your current tips and will look similar to the following.

  {"amount"=>"2.00", "platform"=>"gratipay", "username"=>"gratipay"},
  {"amount"=>"1.00", "platform"=>"gratipay", "username"=>"whit537"},
  {"amount"=>"0.25", "platform"=>"gratipay", "username"=>"JohnKellyFerguson"}

Please be aware that all of the amounts in the hash are strings and not floats.

In addition, you can also find out the current total of all of a user's tips by using the current_tips_total method. This will return a float with a total of all of the user's tips.

# Continuing the example
=> 3.25

Updating Tips

It is also possible to update a user's tips. To do so, we will once again have to pass in our authentication information (or use our previously stored information).

client = => "my_username", :api_key => "my_api_key")

We can then call the update_tips method, which accepts an array of hashes containing a user's username and desired tip amount.

client.update_tips([ { :username => "gratipay", :amount => "3.50" },
                      { :username => "whit537", :amount => "3.50"},
                      { :username => "JohnKellyFerguson", :amount = "3.50" }])

When tips are successfully updated, the update_tips method will return an array representing the successfully updated tips.

  {"amount"=>"3.50", "platform"=>"gratipay", "username"=>"gratipay"},
  {"amount"=>"3.50", "platform"=>"gratipay", "username"=>"whit537"},
  {"amount"=>"3.50", "platform"=>"gratipay", "username"=>"JohnKellyFerguson"}

Please note that you do not have to update all of a user's tips when using the update_tips method and that it is possible to either update only a subset of a user's tips or to add new tips.

For example:

client.update_tips([ { :username => "gratipay", :amount => "4.50" } ])

will only updates the tips going to the "gratipay"" user. All other tips will remain unchanged. We can see this by continuing our example and running the current_tips method.

=> [
    {"amount"=>"4.50", "platform"=>"gratipay", "username"=>"gratipay"},
    {"amount"=>"3.50", "platform"=>"gratipay", "username"=>"whit537"},
    {"amount"=>"3.50", "platform"=>"gratipay", "username"=>"JohnKellyFerguson"}

New tips can also be added using the update_tips method.

client.update_tips([ { :username => "steveklabnik", :amount=> "1.00" }])

The new tip will be added to the previously existing tips.

=> [
    {"amount"=>"4.50", "platform"=>"gratipay", "username"=>"gratipay"},
    {"amount"=>"3.50", "platform"=>"gratipay", "username"=>"whit537"},
    {"amount"=>"3.50", "platform"=>"gratipay", "username"=>"JohnKellyFerguson"},
    {"amount"=>"1.00", "platform"=>"gratipay", "username"=>"steveklabnik"}

Finally, gratitude comes with the ability to update a specific tip and remove all other tips. This can be accomplished by using the update_tips_and_prune method, which again takes an array of hashes containing a user's username and desired tip amount.

client.update_tips_and_prune([ { :username => "gratipay", :amount => "25.00" } ])

Like the update_tips method, update_tips_and_prune will return an array of the successfully updated tips.

  {"amount"=>"25.00", "platform"=>"gratipay", "username"=>"gratipay"}

All other tips have been removed, which we can see by using the current_tips method.

=> [
     {"amount"=>"25.00", "platform"=>"gratipay", "username"=>"gratipay"}


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Copyright John Kelly Ferguson and Contributors, 2014

MIT Licence