Gravitheque Build Status

This is still a work in progress; as such neither the library nor web application are particularly useful right now.

A collection of open source tools for brewers. It can be used as a web application, interactively through IRB or as a library to build your own brewing application. For use as a library refer to the full documentation. Submit bug reports and feature requests to the issue tracker.


gem install gravitheque

To use the Gravitheque library nothing more than a compatible Ruby 1.9 implementation is required. It may work on older and newer versions but only by coincidence; refer to the build logs to see which Rubies are supported.


If you plan to send pull requests please work in a branch.

git clone git://
cd gravitheque

Handy (non-essential) development dependencies can be installed with Bundler.

bundle install
# if you're on Linux or Windows
# bundle install --without mac

Now use Guard to run tests and update documentation automatically.

guard start --clear