
Gravity is a simple Gravatar plugin for Rails. It allows you to easily get Gravatar images and profile informations.


Just add it to your Gemfile like this:

gem "gravity"

and you're ready to go.


In your model:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base

In your views:

<%= image_tag @user.gravatar_image %>
<%= @user.gravatar_profile['displayName'] %>

This works if you have an email field in your model. To use a different field for email, pass the field name to the :email option:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_gravatar :email => :email_address

You can also pass options to the ´gravatar_image´ and ´gravatar_profile´ methods:

<%= image_tag @user.gravatar_image :size => 40, :default => 'identicon' %>
<%= @user.gravatar_profile(:secure => true)['displayName'] %>

Here is a complete list of options:

Option Description Default Values
secure Use SSL to call false true/false
size The size of the image 80 1..512
default The avatar image used by default none "404", "mm", "identicon", "monsterid", "wavatar", "retro" or an absolute URL (this must start with "http").
rating The lowest level of ratings you want to allow G G, PG, R or X
forcedefault Force usage of the default image false true/false

See the Gravatar site for more informations.

Copyright (c) 2011 Giuseppe Capizzi, released under the MIT license