
This is a tool that I wrote to lay a grid over PDF files.

I was working on an app that adds text boxes to PDFs using Prawn and CombinePDF. I got frustrated with the guess-and-check method to find the right coordinates.

Given a PDF that looks like this:

A PDF without a grid overlay

It will make this:

A PDF with a grid overlay


This can be installed with RubyGems:

gem install gridify_pdf


This is primarily intended to be used as a CLI tool

This will read the file at document.pdf and output a version with a grid overlay at gridified_document.pdf.

gridify_pdf document.pdf gridified_document.pdf

You can also have the PDF written to a temporary file and opened in your default PDF viewer:

gridify_pdf document.pdf --open

Usage in code

If, for some reason, you want to use this tool in your own code, that is also possible:

require 'gridify_pdf'

input ='input.pdf')
result =
File.write('output.pdf', result)