GNU SASL for Ruby Build Status

This libaray is a lib ffi based wrapper for the GNU SASL library. It supports a variaty of different authentication mechanisms. Those are the mechanisms supported for the current versions:

  • EXTERNAL: Authentication via out of band information.
  • ANONYMOUS: Mechanism for anonymous access to resources.
  • PLAIN: Clear text username and password.
  • LOGIN: Non-standard clear text username and password.
  • CRAM-MD5: Challenge-Response Authentication Mechanism.
  • DIGEST-MD5: Digest Authentication.
  • SCRAM-SHA-1: SCRAM-SHA-1 authentication.
  • SECURID: Authentication using tokens.

Platfrom and compile flags dependend mechanisms:

  • NTLM: Microsoft NTLM authentication.
  • GSSAPI: GSSAPI (Kerberos 5) authentication.
  • GS2-KRB5: Improved GSSAPI (Kerberos 5) authentication.
  • KERBEROS_V5: Experimental KERBEROS_V5 authentication.
  • SAML20: Experimental SAML20 authentication.
  • OPENID20: Experimental OPENID20 authentication.

Install libgsasl

To use the library the libgsasl must be installed on the system. The gem uses libffi to access the library so no further comilation needed. It also should work with all important versions of ruby.

Mac OS X

Install the library using homebrew:

brew install libgsasl

Debian & Ubuntu

Install the library using apt-get:

sudo apt-get install libgsasl7


Install the library using ports (as root):

cd /usr/ports/security/gsasl/
make install clean

Use in Ruby

To authenticate against a server

In this example a client authenticates against an IMAP4 server. The methode #authenticate_with is used to setup all the data and callbacks neccessary to perform the authentication.

# connect to an imap server
require 'socket'
socket ='', 143)
puts socket.gets

# issue an authenticate command
socket.print "a1 AUTHENTICATE LOGIN\r\n"

# authenticate using the imap4 protocol specifics
context =
context.authenticate_with("LOGIN", "[email protected]", "secret") do |remote|
  remote.receive { socket.gets.gsub!("\r\n|+\s", "") }
  remote.send    { |data| socket.print "#{data}\r\n" }

# logout
puts socket.gets
socket.print "a2 LOGOUT\r\n"

# close connection
puts socket.gets


In the following example the server and the client are on the same machine. If the server is on the remote site, one has to implement a server that will return the next challenge on server#read and implements a server#send to send the challenge to the server. Also it is possible to not use the #authenticate function but to implement the processing individually.

session =
client = session.create_client("CRAM-MD5")
server = session.create_server("CRAM-MD5") do |type, authid|
  "secret" if type = :password && authid == "joe"

@client.credentials!("joe", "secret")
@client.authenticate(@server).should be_true

Copyright Licence

Copyright (c) 2012 Vincent Landgraf All Rights Reserved. Released under a MIT License.