
Rubocop RSpec codecov Gem Version

Guard for the unit testing framework named busted


First you need to install busted.

luarocks install --local busted

Then install this gem using gem install command.

gem install guard-busted


Just type guard init busted in the root of your project. This command initializes the Guard file.

The provided guard template checks all files with .lua extension and starts the corresponding test file. It searches test files in spec directory with the pattern spec/<relative_path_to_file>/<file_name>_spec.lua.

There is some file in the project some_dir/some_file.lua. After some change on this file the guard-busted gem will try to perform tests located in: spec/some_dir/some_file_spec.lua.

Keep in your mind that it treats src dir in the special way. It just does not include src in the mentioned pattern.

The gem also supports desktop notifications.


Don't hesitate to open an issue or make a pull request.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.