
Guard gem for Calabash-ios.
Guard::CalabashiOS automatically run your cucumber features for iOS.


$ gem install guard-calabash-ios


Add support of the calabash to your project as described.
Then go to the Xcode settings and setup Derived Data as Relative.

Xcode locations.

When you're done, run following commands from project directory

$ guard init calabash-ios
$ guard

Guard options

all_on_start - run all specs at first start, by default true
device - iphone or ipad, by default :iphone
project - project name, if not set, then gem will try to find it by *.xcodeproject expression
sdk - ios4, ios5, by default :ios5
target - calabash target, by default $project-cal
config - Debug/Release, by default Debug
no_launch - don't automaticaly launch simulator, by default false. *Note: This is a new feature from version 0.9.48*
reset_between_scenarios - reset app data between scenarios, by default false