A CoffeeScript, Stylus, and Jade (HTML and JST) Guard that mirrors your source
files (.coffee/.styl/.jst.jade/.html.jade) in another location
(public/www/etc...). guard-mirror also can compress the files on the fly for
use in production with a simple compress: true
option. Google Closure
Compiler is used for JS and YUI Compressor for CSS. Jade -> HTML files are
automatically shrinkwrapped. Sprockets is used for file requiring and
concatination so all of the same Sprockets syntax can be used.
I created this to help with PhoneGap/Cordova development and it's working out really nice!
In your Gemfile
source :rubygems
gem 'guard-mirror'
# Optionally a notifier like Growl. Syntax/parse errors will be displayed in
# notifications which becomes very handy!
# Use the `notify: false` option to turn this off
# gem 'growl'
If you want to use nib, you'll have to have the module installed. I recommend adding a package.json
file to your root directory with something like...
"name": "app-name",
"version": "0.0.1",
"author": "Your Name <[email protected]>",
"dependencies": [
And then running...
cd to/your/root
npm install
In your Guardfile
guard :mirror,
paths: ['src/js/templates', 'src/js'],
# If a target is specified, only this file will be compiled when any
# watched file changes.
target: '',
dest: 'www',
compress: true do
watch %r{^src/js/(.+\..+)}
guard :mirror,
paths: ['src/css'],
target: 'app.styl',
dest: 'www',
# nib is supported with this flag
nib: true,
compress: true do
watch %r{^src/css/(.+\..+)}
guard :mirror,
paths: ['src/html'],
dest: 'www' do
watch(%r{^src/html/(.+\..+)}) { |m| m[1] }
Running It
bundle update
bundle --binstubs