
A file listing command for HDFS filesystems similar to unix find(1).

Requires jruby 1.6+.

# installation

Simply copy hfind.rb and hfind into your path.

# usage

usage: hfind [options] path

-a, --after       # files modified after ISO date
-b, --before      # files modified before ISO date
-m, --mmin        # files modified before (-x) or after (+x) minutes ago
-M, --mtime       # files modified before (-x) or after (+x) days ago
-s, --size        # file size > (+x), < (-x), or == (x)
-r, --repl        # replication factor > (+x), < (-x), or == (x)
-U, --under       # under-replicated files
-t, --type        # show type (f)ile or (d)irectory
-l, --ls          # show full listing detail
-h, --human       # show human readable file sizes
-u, --uri         # show full uri for path
-H, --help

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