
Operating environment oriented utilities for hadoop (Hadoop + Utils => hadupils)

Shell Environment Variables


    • This is the base path for DFS temporary file/directory creation
    • Defaults to '/tmp' on the DFS (only set this if you need another base directory)
    • Command 'cleanup' will use this ENV var for the base tmp_path to look for /hadupils-tmp*/ tmpdirs if the tmp_path isn't set throught the command line
    • Other commands that use this are: mktemp, withtmpdir

    • Set when the subcommand is executed in a subshell via the hadupils 'withtmpdir' command
    • The value comes from the tmp directory that hadupils created for the subcommand
    • It will cleanup (remove) the directory if the subcommand returns an exitstatus of zero

    • This is the Time-To-Live for hadupils DFS temporary files/directories (hadupils-tmp*)
    • Defaults to '86400' (24 hours)
    • Command 'cleanup' will use this ENV var to remove any /hadupils-tmp*/ tmpdirs within $HADUPILS_TMP_PATH where all files within are older than TTL, (Time.now.utc - $HADUPILS_TMP_TTL) if ttl isn't set through the command line

Hadpuils' Commands

  • hive command options
  • hadoop command options
  • mktemp [-d]
  • withtmpdir subshell_command
  • rm [-rR] full_path_to_file_or_directory
  • cleanup [-n] full_path_to_tmp_dir ttl

Example Usages

hadupils hive -e 'select a.col from tab1 a'
hadupils hadoop fs -ls /tmp
hadupils mktemp -d
hadupils withtmpdir 'echo $HADUPILS_TMPDIR_PATH'
hadupils rm -r /tmp/hadupils-tmp-e341afe01721013128c122000af92329
hadupils cleanup -n