Haml/SASS Converters for RubyMine IDE (JRuby script-plugin)


  1. Install jruby:

> rvm install jruby-1.5.6 > rvm use jruby

We are not going to use this version of JRuby - RubyMine already has bundled version of it. We need to install it in order to collect all required for this plugin gems.

  1. Create and use ‘haml-sass-converters’ gemset:

> rvm use jruby@haml-sass-converters –create

  1. Install gem:

> gem i haml-sass-converters

  1. Run install script in your project’s root (or some other location) in order to copy script:

> cd <your-project-root> > haml-sass-converters-install

New “scripts” folder will be created with “converters.rb” as a plugin.

  1. Go to “File|Setting|Extensions” and add “scripts” folder as new “Script Folder”.

  2. Restart RubyMine. After restarting IDE will have new “Css” group under “Tools|Extensions” and new actions:

  • convert Html to Haml;

  • convert CSS to SASS;

You can reach them from “Tools|Extensions” in main menu or from context popup menu inside the editor.


Select some content inside erb or css file. Right click inside the editor and select appropriate action.