A Ruby library for interfacing with the Handle System JSON REST API.
Handle server requirements
This library works with Handle System version 8 or higher. For older versions of the Handle System, which didn't have a JSON API, consider using mbklien's Handle library.
Private key conversion
Before you start using the library, you need to convert your Handle server's private key into PEM format. The Handle Server distribution directory (e.g., /hs/handle-9.2.0
) has a utility, hdl-convert-key
, for doing this. Your private key (admpriv.bin
) is in the server directory (e.g., /hs/svr_1
On the Handle server, run this command to convert the file:
/hs/handle-9.2.0/bin/hdl-convert-key /hs/svr_1/admpriv.bin -o /hs/svr_1/admpriv.pem
Download that admpriv.pem
file for use with this library.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'handle-system-rest'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install handle-system-rest
require 'handle_system'
server = '' # server in the form of ip-address:port
hs_admin = '300:0.NA/20.123.4567' # the handle server admin
private_key = '/path/to/admpriv.pem' # path to private key we downloaded above
# connect to the handle server
handle_client = HandleSystem::Client.new(server, hs_admin, private_key)
# the url we want to register with the handle system
hyrax_url = 'https://hyrax.example.edu/concern/theses/6h440t294'
# we need to create a unique handle identifier in the form of 'prefix/suffix'
prefix = '20.123.45678' # your handle.net registered prefix
suffix = '2' # this can be any unique identifier
handle = prefix + '/' + suffix
# register our url and get back a new persistent url
handle_url = handle_client.create(handle, hyrax_url)
puts handle_url #=> "http://hdl.handle.net/20.123.45678/2"
# get back our original url if we supply the handle
hyrax_url = handle_client.get(handle).url
puts hyrax_url #=> "https://hyrax.example.edu/concern/theses/6h440t294"
# we can also delete our handle entry
result = handle_client.delete(handle)
puts result.to_s #=> true
# client will throw an AuthenticationError if something went wrong while
# authenticating with the handle server
HandleSystem::Client.new(server, 'bad-admin', private_key)
rescue HandleSystem::AuthenticationError => e
puts 'AuthenticationError'
puts ' message: ' + e.
# client will throw an Error if something went wrong while creating, updating,
# or deleting a handle
handle_client.create('bad-handle', hyrax_url)
rescue HandleSystem::Error => e
puts 'Error for bad handle id'
puts ' code: ' + e.response_code.to_s
puts ' handle: ' + e.handle
puts ' message: ' + e.
rescue HandleSystem::Error => e
puts 'Error when trying to delete a non-existant handle'
puts ' code: ' + e.response_code.to_s
puts ' handle: ' + e.handle
puts ' message: ' + e.