
Mark models as has_publishing to publish, draft and embargo models. Easy peasy!

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  • published, draft, embargoed scopes for easy filtering/finding
  • Rails environment-based default scoping: if your site is using draft, draft/embargoed records will still be found - if you use RAILS_ENV=published, though, only published records will be found.
  • In use in production on multiple sites
  • Covered by automated tests


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'has_publishing'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install has_publishing


Simply add has_publishing to the model of your choice, and then generate the publishing attributes for your model:

bundle exec rails generate migration [YOUR MODEL NAME] embargoed_until:datetime published_at:datetime published_id:integer kind:string

…and then of course run rake db:migrate

(If anyone would like to add a generator to automate this process, it would be very much appreciated)

A note on publishing

Publishing is typically used in an environment where there may be two installations of the Rails application sharing a common database. This at least is the set up that has_publishing is designed to operate in - something like the following:

|-- Admin RAILS_ENV=draft --| >>>>> SharedDatabase <<<<<< |-- Published Site RAILS_ENV=published --|

Because of this, the gem applies a default_scope to all instances of this model to either:

  • Only return published records if Rails.env matches HasPublishing.config.published_rails_environment (which by default is 'published')
  • Only return draft records otherwise

This prevents 'duplicate' records from appearing for the user (since each 'record' has two representations - 'draft' and 'published/withdrawn')


  1. If you would prefer that this default scope NOT be applied, then simply set HasPublishing.config.scope_records to false.
  2. If you want the default scope to apply properly, ensure that you set the Rails environment of your published application in HasPublishing.config.published_rails_environment.

Injecting your own attributes to be saved

When you call publish! and withdraw! you can pass a hash of attributes with it to be updated with your ActiveRecord::Model object.

This is usefull if you are using a gem like ancestry, for example:

  @page = Page.find_by_slug('foo-bar-page')
  @page.publish!(:parent => (@page.parent.published unless @page.is_root?))


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request