Originally based on the work originally done by Full credit goes to him, though I ended up rewriting a bunch of it.

Heroicons for Rails

Use icons from in your Rails applications.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "heroic_icons", git: ""

Pick a ref, tag or branch as needed.

And then execute:

$ bundle


To use the icon method, you need to specify the icon name and optionally pass additional attributes to add to the SVG.

heroic_icon(name, **options)
  • name: The name of the icon you want to use. e.g. "plus", "trash", etc. Refer to the heroicons website.
  • **options: A hash of options to customize the SVG. This is optional and can include several attributes described below.

The following options can be passed to customize the SVG icon:

  • hi_style: Specifies the style of the icon for regular sizes. It can be either outline or solid. solid the default. Solid is the only choice for mini and micro.
  • style: This does not specify the heroicon style, but instead, the value of the style attribute of the svg element.
  • size: There are 3 sizes. micro, mini, and regular (default).
  • class: Sets the CSS attr of the SVG element. If using default classes (see below) this is added to the default classes.
  • override_class: Sets the CSS attr of the SVG element, and does NOT use the default classes.
  • Any other HTML attributes: You can include attributes such as aria-label, role, etc.

default class initialization

Create an initializer:

# config/initializers/heroic_icons.rb

HeroicIcons.configure do |config|
  config.default_classes = "h-6 w-6"

Icon Usage Examples

<%= icon('camera', hi_style: 'outline') %>

To include a outline icon of mini size:

<%= icon('user', size: 'mini') %>
<%= icon('bell', class: 'alert-icon', 'aria-label': 'Notification') %>

BREAKING CHANGE: Sorry, I decided to make a breaking change (it's a different gem after all) to allow heroicon styles (outline, solid, etc) to be passed via :hi_styles option. This was previously passed via the :styles option. This is to allow for passing in actual styles to the the svg element.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.