
Add it to your Gemfile (inside development group)

gem 'heroku_tasks', :git => 'git://'


Setup staging/production branch (here from remote)

git checkout -t origin/production
git checkout -t origin/staging

Create config/heroku.yml file and edit it

rails generate heroku_tasks:config

Deploy procedure

Merge your last work in staging branch

git checkout staging
git pull origin staging
git merge master

Regenerate your assets if you’re using Jammit (and you should)

rake deploy:assets

Push your code to staging heroku app

rake deploy:staging
rake deploy:staging:migrations

If your staging app is still alive

git push origin staging
git checkout production
git pull origin production
git merge staging

Activate maintenance page on production and wait for it (Optional, ie. with migrations)

heroku maintenance:on --app production_app

Push your code to production app

rake deploy:production
rake deploy:production:migrations

Don’t forget to remove maintenance page if needed

heroku maintenance:off --app production_app

Back to work (after some rest!)

git push origin production
git checkout master
git merge production
git push origin master


If you met any problems

rake deploy:staging:rollback
rake deploy:production:rollback