Class: HexaPDF::Type::Annotations::Text

MarkupAnnotation show all
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Text annotations are “sticky notes” attached to a point in a PDF document. They act as if the NoZoom and NoRotate flags were always set.

See: PDF2.0 s12.5.6.4, HexaPDF::Type::MarkupAnnotation

Constant Summary

Constants included from DictionaryFields

DictionaryFields::Boolean, DictionaryFields::PDFByteString, DictionaryFields::PDFDate

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Object

#data, #document, #must_be_indirect

Method Summary

Methods inherited from HexaPDF::Type::Annotation

#appearance, #appearance_dict, #create_appearance, #flags, #must_be_indirect?

Methods included from Utils::BitField


Methods inherited from Dictionary

#[], #[]=, define_field, define_type, #delete, #each, each_field, #empty?, field, #key?, #to_h, type, #type

Methods inherited from Object

#<=>, #==, #cache, #cached?, #clear_cache, deep_copy, #deep_copy, #document?, #eql?, field, #gen, #gen=, #hash, #indirect?, #initialize, #inspect, make_direct, #must_be_indirect?, #null?, #oid, #oid=, #type, #validate, #value, #value=

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from HexaPDF::Object