Hoptoad API
A ruby wrapper for the Hoptoad API
The first thing you need to set is the account name. This is the same as the web address for your account.
Hoptoad.account = 'myaccount'
Then, you should set the authentication token.
Hoptoad.auth_token = 'abcdefg'
If your account uses ssl then turn it on:
Hoptoad.secure = true
Optionally, you can configure through a single method:
Hoptoad.configure(:account => 'anapp', :auth_token => 'abcdefg', :secure => true)
Once you've configured authentication, you can make calls against the API. If no token or authentication is given, a HoptoadError exception will be raised.
Finding Errors
Errors are paginated, the API responds with 25 at a time, pass an optional params hash for additional pages:
Hoptoad::Error.find(:all, :page => 2)
To find an individual error, you can find by ID:
Find all notices of an error:
Find an individual notice:
Hoptoad::Notice.find(notice_id, error_id)
To resolve an error via the API:
Hoptoad::Error.update(1696170, :group => { :resolved => true})
Recreate an error:
STDOUT.sync = true
Hoptoad::Notice.find_all_by_error_id(error_id) do |batch|
batch.each do |notice|
result = system "curl --silent '#{notice.request.url}' > /dev/null"
print (result ? '.' : 'F')
To retrieve a list of projects:
If an error is returned from the API. A HoptoadError will be raised. Successful responses will return a Hashie::Mash object based on the data from the response.
- Matias Käkelä - SSL Support
- Jordan Brough - Notices
- Michael Grosser - Numerous performance improvements and bug fixes