houdah – Ruby lib for interacting with a Hadoop JobTracker / TaskTrackers
Houdah is a Ruby thrift lib for interfacing with a Hadoop jobtracker.
To install:
gem install houdah
Starting thrift server
Houdah expects that you have Cloudera’s Hue installed and working. As a part of the Hue installation, you will compile and install a thrift interface that runs when the jobtracker is running. To be clear, you do not have to run Hue in order for Houdah to work - you just need to make sure that the org.apache.hadoop.thriftfs.ThriftJobTrackerPlugin is working.
Houdah has been tested with Hue 1.1.0. If you have it working with a later version of Hue, patches are welcome.
Basic Usage
require 'rubygems'
require 'houdah'
# args are host, optional port (9290 default), optional username (default "houdah"), and optional timeout
client = Houdah::Client.new ""
# get list of running jobs
# get a list of failed jobs
# get jobtracker name
# get percent mapped / reduced for all running jobs
client.jobs.each { |j| puts "#{j.percent_mapped} mapped #{j.percent_reduced} reduced" }
# get percent done for the most recent job
# print out info about each tracker
client.trackers.each { |t| puts "#{t.host}: #{t.failureCount} failures, #{t.tasks.length} active tasks" }
# get number of active / blacklisted trackers
# get number of excluded nodes
# get the mapred.local.dir config variable for the most recent job
puts client.jobs.first.config['mapred.local.dir']
# get the hive query for the hive job running
puts client.jobs.first.config['hive.query.string']
# kill all jobs
client.jobs.each { |j| j.kill! }
# close the client connection
# Quick and dirty way to get the number of killed jobs. The run class method takes care of closing the client.
puts Houdah::Client.run("") { |h| h.jobs(:killed).length }
Bugs / Contact
Bugs and patches welcome at github.com/livingsocial/houdah.