Start on a feature/bug:
hoy begin "name of feature" hoy bg
As you’re working:
hoy commit "work done on this feature" hoy ci
Review what you did
hoy review "commit message to be made" hoy re "commit message" $ hoy review "did some stuff" ... go through git diff ... Do you want to commit this? (Y/N) _
Push out if needed (to build CI, end of day)
hoy sync hoy sy
Update to the latest code (rebase off origin/master)
hoy prepare hoy prepare "commit message that describes this feature" hoy pp
Finish up feature (push out to master, remove remote branches)
hoy finish hoy fn
List out all features/bugs worked on
hoy list hoy ls $ hoy list 1 - "fixing bad alignment" 2 - "new page view"
Switch to a different feature/bug
hoy switch "fixing bad alignment" hoy switch 2 hoy sw 1