# Haru Free PDF Library Version 2.0.8 - Nov 25, 2006
This gem has been packaged by Emmanuel Oga, EmmanuelOga.blogspot.com
I followed the instructions in the libharu_2_x_x.tar.gz package:
1) Build Haru as a static library.
When you build haru for creating ruby extension library on linux
platforms, run configure script with following command.
./configure --cflags=-fPIC
2) Change directory to "libharu-2.X.X/if/ruby" and run extconf.rb.
ruby extconf.rb
3) Then invoke "make install" command.
make install
That’s all!!! I only “gemified” the code and included the samples.
WARNING! TO USE THIS GEM on linux you need proper build tools (complete gcc package), libpng and zlib. I had to make some research to find these for my ubuntu feisty o.s.
If you are using ubuntu (or maybe debian or other linux with apt support)
“sudo apt-get install build-essential”
should do the trick for the build environment.
For zlib and libpng, you could install the program “apt-file” (sudo apt-get install apt-file) and search the dependencies with it.
“apt-file search png.h” “apt-file search zlib.h”
Choose one of the listed packages and install it with apt-get. Then you should have no problem installing the gem.
Original readme follows:
# Haru Free PDF Library Version 2.0.8 - Nov 25, 2006 #
# URL libharu.sourceforge.net/ # # Copyright 2000-2006 © Takeshi Kanno #
See INSTALL for instructions on how to install libpng.
What is Haru Free PDF Library?
* Haru is a free, cross platform, open-sourced software library for generating PDF. It supports the following features.
1. Generating PDF files with lines, text, images.
2. Outline, text annotation, link annotation.
3. Compressing document with deflate-decode.
4. Embedding PNG, Jpeg images.
5. Embedding Type1 font and TrueType font.
6. Creating encrypted PDF files.
7. Using various character set (ISO8859-1~16, MSCP1250~8, KOI-8R).
8. Supporting CJK fonts and encodings.
You can add the feature of PDF creation by using Haru without understanding complicated internal structure of PDF.
The differences from the previous version
The biggest differences are that all code is written in C. To our regret, because internal structures changed greatly, The API is not compatible with previous version.
However, the new-version has the following advantages compared with the previous version.
1. Supported shared-library build.
A new-version library is able to be built as shared-library.
2. The performance has been greatly improved.
A new-version library is about 4-15 times faster than a previous version.
3. Supported more features.
TrueType font, 128 bit encryption, arc function, and so on.
Supporting platforms
* Haru is written in ANSI-C and should compile easily with any compliant C compiler. I inspected Haru in the following environment and make files for these environments are included in a package.
1. Cygwin + GCC (Microsoft Windows)
2. Cygwin + MinGW (Microsoft Windows)
3. MSYS + MinGW (Microsoft Windows)
3. Microsoft VC++ (Microsoft Windows)
4. Borland C++ (Microsoft Windows)
5. GCC (Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, Solaris...)
Also on platforms except the above, it is easy to build HARU. If you success to build HARU on other platforms, please send makefile to me. In addition, ZLIB and PNGLIB are required when you want to use the features of compression and embedding PNG images. (In the case of Windows, static library files for several compilers are included in the package for WIndows. In the case of most of UNIX, these libraries are usually installed.)
Available development environment
* Haru can work as both static-library (.a, .lib) and shared-library (.so, .dll). When you use it as static-library, It can be used by C and a C++. But when you use it as shared-library, it can be used by many development languages which support shared library. So far, Haru provides bindings for Ruby, Delphi/Free Pascal and C#.
If you write bindings for other programing languages, please notice me!
Runtime environment of programs using Haru
static-library No runtime files are required.
shared-library In Windows, you have to distribute libhpdf.dll with a program. In UNIX you have to distribute libhpdf.so* with a program.
NOTE: In the UNIX environment, there are the cases that libz.so, libpng.so.x are necessary. About this, please refer to the documentation of PNGLIB and ZLIB.
Information-technology Promotion Agency(IPA) The development of Haru has been supported by Exploratory Software Project of Information-technology Promotion Agency(IPA), Japan.
All users of libHaru. We wish to thank all users of Haru. In particular, we thank Thomas Nimstad, LeslieM, Par Hogberg, adenelson, Riccardo Cohen, sea_sbs, Andrew. They gave me very useful advices.
Sourceforge.net We would like to thank sourceForge.net for project hosting.
Adobe Systems Inc. We thank Adobe Systems Inc. for publishing PDF specification.
TODO - todo for libharu
Vertical writing support of HPDF_TextRect()
Correct a code which uses implicit type conversion and causes warnings.
Form desiner.