# Html2record

This gem provide a simple way that bind html specific element to a record column

## Installation

In Gemfile add follow line:


gem 'html2record'


## Get Start

init parser file “‘ rails g parser Taobao “`

this command will generate a parser into folder app/parsers/

“‘ruby class TaobaoParser < Html2record::Parser::Base end “`

you can add column binding in class

“‘ruby class TaobaoParser < Html2record::Parser::Base add :title, ’#main .title’ end “‘

In model file include the class

“‘ruby include Html2record::ActiveRecord “`

Use the model:


html =<<-page
        <div id="main">
          <div><span class="title">hello</span></div>
          <div><span class="content">world</span></div>

good = Good.new 
good.apply_html(Taobao,html) # good.title should be 'hello'


This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.