
This plugin lets you encode and decode (UTF-8) strings using HTML entities. Two new methods will be automatically available in your views:

  • encode_entities: Encodes a string into a string with HTML entities:

>> <%= encode_entities(“Über geek”) %>

> “&Uuml;ber geek”

  • decode_entities: Decodes a string with HTML entities into a string:

>> <%= decode_entities(“&Uuml;ber geek”) %>

> “Über geek”

Using Anywhere

Now it’s possible to include the helpers in other classes easily by just including HTML::EntityCoder in your class.

If you really need to to use the helpers in a model you can do it like this:

class Person < ActiveRecord::Base

include HTML::EntityCoder


or a controller:

class PersonController < ApplicationController

include HTML::EntityCoder



Note: Don’t feed the helpers with anything else but UTF-8. If you really need to, convert your string to UTF-8 first using Iconv (

A basic test unit is included.

HTMLHelpers is copyright © 2006 Ruben Nine ([email protected]), released under the MIT license HTMLEntities is copyright © 2005-2006 Paul Battley, released under the MIT license