A Wrapper around Net/HTTP which allows you to perform HTTP Requests in a simple way.
gem install http-requestor
Initialize a domain, and send request to multiple paths
http ="")
# This will initialize the HTTP::Requestor class
get_request = http.get(path, parameters, headers)
post_request =, parameters, headers)
put_request = http.put(path, parameters, headers)
delete_request = http.delete(path, parameters, headers)
# path => for example: "/some_path"
# parameters => this is an optional parameter, if you want to send some parameters alongwith the request
# headers => this is also an optional parameter, you can pass a hash with stringified keys
Get a response right away
HTTP::Requestor.request(domain, request_type, path, parameters, headers)
# domain => for example: ""
# request_type => GET|POST|PUT|DELETE
# path => for example: "/some_path"
# parameters => this is an optional parameter, if you want to send some parameters alongwith the request
# headers => this is also an optional parameter, you can pass a hash with stringified keys
OR you can do it the other way
HTTP::Requestor.request_with_url(url, request_type, data, headers)
# url => for example: ""
# request_type => GET|POST|PUT|DELETE
# parameters => this is an optional parameter, if you want to send some parameters alongwith the request
# headers => this is also an optional parameter, you can pass a hash with stringified keys
HTTP Basic Authentication
HTTP::Requestor.send_basic_auth_request(url, username, password)
# url => for example: "" only GET URL's supported currently
# username => basic_auth_username
# password => basic_auth_password
Multipart Form Post
uri = "http://some_domain/somepath"
data = {:file =>"testfile.txt")}
response = HTTP::Requestor.multipart_request(uri, "post | put", data)
# If you already have the instance of HTTP::Requestor class then you can upload files as follows:
http ="")
response = http.post_multipart(some_path, {:file =>"testfile.txt")})
response = http.put_multipart(some_path, {:file =>"testfile.txt")})
More HTTP Verbs
You can also use other HTTP Verbs such as OPTIONS, PATCH, MOVE, HEAD, TRACE
* By instantiating the HTTP::Requestor class
http ="")
http.options(path, parameters, headers)
http.patch(path, parameters, headers)
http.move(path, parameters, headers)
http.head(path, parameters, headers)
http.trace(path, parameters, headers)
* Directly calling the request method
HTTP::Requestor.request(domain, request_type, path, parameters, headers)
# where request type can be any value within GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH, MOVE, HEAD, TRACE
Issues and Suggestions
Please report all the issues in the Github Issues Page, suggestions are also welcome. You can also mail me at rohit0981989[at]gmailcom for the same.