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HttpStatsd provides a HTTP proxy for the statsd protocol. The use case is when you need to collect metrics from an external source, but for obvious reasons don't want to expose the udp interface of statsd.

It also provides a client for that proxy for easy integration with Ruby code.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'http_statsd'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install http_statsd



There is an example file included in the repo. To use the proxy, you need to provide at least one api key, with:

HttpStatsd::Server.set :api_keys, {
  "username1" => "pass1",
  "username2" => "pass2"

You can also set the statsd server host and port (default is "localhost:8125"):

HttpStatsd::Server.set :statsd_host, ""
HttpStatsd::Server.set :statsd_port, 8125


To access the server, you can use the built in client:

c = "",
                           username: "username1", password: "pass1")

Then, you can use the same interface as with the statsd-ruby gem:

sample_rate = 0.1
c.increment("metric.counter", sample_rate)
c.decrement("metric.counter", sample_rate)
c.count("metric.counter", 121, sample_rate)
c.gauge("metric.gauge", 123)
c.timing("metric.timing", 15.52, sample_rate)
c.batch do |b| # this will send the metrics as one http request
  b.gauge("metric.gauge", 120)


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