
Parses post-receive payloads from GitHub


One day I will get around to packaging this up as a gem. For now, I guess you can just clone it.


To use a post-receive hook for your repo, you’ll need to go into the admin section (or ask someone that has access to it) and click on Post-Receive URLs. See for more on setting one up.

Largely, this just parses and wraps the values sent from GitHub. However, it adds a couple convenience methods as well for formatting and more intuitive naming( ie - private? method for a repo, etc).

When any commits are pushed to that repo, GitHub will wrap up the commit info in a JSON payload and POST it to the URL you specify. At your post-receive URL, you’ll then be able to parse the payload:

@parsed_load =[:payload])

This will give you a Hubload object, which has references to the commits details, namely: before, after, ref, repo, and commits.


ref = @parsed_load.ref # => Hubload::Ref object
ref.value # => 'refs/heads/master' (or whatever branch)

After / Before

before = @parsed_load.before # => Hubload::After object
before.value # => 027fa2043b65e7d4092ba310966980db5d36a265

after = @parsed_load.after # => Hubload::After object
after.value # => 027fa2043b65e7d4092ba310966980db5d36a264


You also get info about the commit’s repo

repo = @parsed_load.repo # => Hubload::Repo object

Check out the source for all the info provided by Hubload::Repo. A few examples:

repo.fork? # => false
repo.publicly_visible? # => true
repo.owner # => Hunter Gillane


GitHub’s post-receive payload can potentially more than one commit. For that reason you’ll get an array of commits in the payload.

commits = @parsed_load.commits # => Hubload::Commit []

Here are some of the methods available for a single commit:

commit_1 = commits[0]
commit_1.pretty_time # => "07:48 PM"
commit_1.pretty_date # => "Jan 1, 2010"
commit_1.message => "added some stuff"


One More Thing


Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.

  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.

  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.

  • Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)

  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.

Copyright © 2010 Hunter Gillane. See LICENSE for details.