
Jekyll deployment using FTP.


hyde deploy:

Build Jekyll site and deploy via FTP. Usage: hyde deploy _config.yml

hyde new_site:

Create a new Jekyll site. Usage: hyde new site_name

hyde cleandir

Clears remote directory. Usage: hyde cleandir _config.yml

How to Set Up Your Config

Your config can be the same as the one in your Jekyll site's folder. Just add these lines at the end of _config.yml file. (no quotes needed)

server: your-ftp-server.com

username: JohnDoe

password: myP4SSW0RD

local_dir: /home/username/my/website/directory

remote_dir: /MyRemoteDir/

Mac OSX/Linux Users Make sure that you have the full path to your directory. Using ~/MyDirectory/Here/ is not supported at this time, so you must use /home/username/MyDirectory/Here/.

Windows Users Windows is not fully supported at this time. Windows is not supported by Jekyll either though so it shouldn't be a big deal.