Country Code Select

A simple country code select helper with I18n translations for the countries. Works exactly the same as country_select but uses country codes instead and has i18n translations for the country names.

NOTE: The old country_code_select repository that this one was forked from is outdated and no longer maintained. This i18_country_select repository is the most corrent.


  • Rails 3+

  • Ruby 1.9.2+


Put the following in your Gemfile

gem 'i18n_country_select'


Simple use supplying model and attribute as parameters:

country_code_select(:user, :country)

Supplying priority countries to be placed at the top of the list:

country_code_select(:user, :country, [[ 'US', 'United States' ], [ 'CA', 'Canada' ]])


  • Brian McQuay from Onomojo

  • Brad Carson from Base 3 Media

  • Russ Smith


MIT license