
Ruby interface to Interactive Brokers' TWS API

Reimplementation of the basic functions of ib-ruby

Documentation: https://ib-ruby.github.io/ib-doc/ (work in progress)

ib-ruby offers a modular access to the TWS-API-Interface of Interactive Brokers.

ib-api provides a simple interface to low-level TWS API-calls.

Install in the usual way

$ gem install ib-api

In its plain vanilla usage, it just exchanges messages with the TWS. Any response is stored in the recieved-Array.

It needs just a few lines of code to place an order

require 'ib-api'
# connect with default parameters 
ib =  IB::Connection.new 

# define a contract to deal with
the_stock =  IB::Stock.new symbol: 'TAP'

# order 100 shares for 35 $ 
limit_order = IB::Order.new  limit_price: 35, order_type: 'LMT',  total_quantity: 100, action: :buy
ib.send_message :PlaceOrder,
        :order => limit_order,
        :contract => the_stock,
        :local_id => ib.next_local_id

# wait until the orderstate message returned
ib.wait_for :OrderStatus

# print the Orderstatus
puts ib.recieved[:OrderStatus].to_human

# => ["<OrderState: Submitted #17/1528367295 from 2000 filled 0.0/100.0 at 0.0/0.0 why_held >"]

User-specific Actions

Besides storing any TWS-response in an array, callbacks are implemented.

The user subscribes to a certain response and defines the actions in a typically ruby manner. These actions can be defined globaly

ib =  IB::Connection.new do |tws|
      # Subscribe to TWS alerts/errors and order-related messages
    tws.subscribe(:Alert, :OpenOrder, :OrderStatus, :OpenOrderEnd) { |msg| puts msg.to_human }

or occationally

        # first define actions
    q =  Queue.new    # Initialize as Queue
    request_id = nil  # declare variable
    a = ib.subscribe(:Alert, :ContractData, :ContractDataEnd ) do |msg| 
        case msg
        when Messages::Incoming::Alert
            q.close if msg.code == 200   # No security found 
        when Messages::Incoming::ContractData  # security returned
            q.push msg.contract if msg.request_id == request_id
            when Messages::Incoming::ContractDataEnd
               q.close if msg.request_id == request_id
        end  # case
        # perform request
        request_id = ib.send_message :RequestContractData, :contract => Stock.new(symbol: 'T')

    while contract = q.pop 
      puts contract.as_table 
│       │ symbol │ con_id   │ exchange │ expiry │ multiplier │ trading-class │ right │ strike │ currency │
│ Stock │ T      │ 37018770 │  SMART   │        │            │       T       │       │        │   USD    │

        ib.unsubscribe a    # release subscriptions

Minimal TWS-Version

ib-api is tested via the stable IB-Gateway (Version 10.12) and should work with any current tws-installation.


are invoked by

bundle exec guard
# or
bundle exec rake spec

Integration tests on order-placements are not included. To run the test suite its thus safe to use a real Account. You have to edit spec/spec.yml and replace the :account-Setting with your own AccountID, even if you connect to a single account.


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