

Service for invoking Interactive Brokers (IB) api from Ruby.

ib_ruby_proxy acts as a mediator between your Ruby code and the IB software making the API calls (Gateway or TWS). Internally, it invokes the official IB Java API and translates objects between Ruby and Java worlds. It also translates method and callback names so that you can use Ruby convention (underscore) instead of Java's (camelcase).

By design, ib_ruby_proxy mimics the IB API design where one entity is used to make all the API calls EClientSocket and another entity is used to receive all the callback responses (EWrapper). Also, ib_ruby_proxy relies on the official IB Java API implementation. Both decisions aim to increase robustness, instead of making lower level API invocations through sockets or elaborated abstractions over how the API works.

The ib_ruby_proxy service needs JRuby installed. Clients of the service can use any standard Ruby distribution. Internally, it uses DRb to communicate client and server.

ib_ruby_proxy architecture


ib_ruby_proxy service

The service requires JRuby 9.2 or higher available in the system.

gem install ib_ruby_proxy

Start the process:


By default, it will connect to the IB Gateway software at port 4002 and expose a DRb connection for clients at port 1992. You can configure both with options --ib-port and --drb-port. Use ibproxy help to see the options available.


Clients can use any Ruby distribution supporting DRb, including MRI and JRuby. To use in your app add this to your Gemfile:

gem 'ib_ruby_proxy'

Plain approach

First, you instantiate a client object to make the API calls:

client = IbRubyProxy::Client::Client.from_drb

Now you can use client to invoke API methods. It will use Ruby conventions so, for example, it would be req_historical_ticks instead of reqHistoricalTicks.

To receive callbacks, use an IbRubyProxy::Client::IbCallbacksObserver implementing the callback methods you want to handle. Again, callback names will use Ruby conventions.

For example, say you want to get the historical ticks for Apple (AAPL). IB API supports this with its api method reqHistoricalTicks and a callback historical_ticks to receive the ticks. The full example with ib_ruby_proxy looks like this:

client = IbRubyProxy::Client::Client.from_drb

class CallbacksObserver < IbRubyProxy::Client::IbCallbacksObserver
  def historical_ticks(_request_id, ticks, _done)
    pp ticks

aapl = IbRubyProxy::Client::Ib::Contract.new symbol: 'AAPL',
                                             sec_type: 'STK',
                                             exchange: 'ISLAND'

client.add_ib_callbacks_observer CallbacksObserver.new
client.req_historical_ticks(18009, aapl, '20190304 12:00:00', nil, 100,
                            'MIDPOINT', 1, false, nil)

Mapped callbacks

ib_ruby_proxy support passing a block to the API methods and have this block invoked with the corresponding received callbacks. The yielded params will include the callback name and the list of arguments accepted by the callback.

client.req_historical_ticks(18009, aapl, nil, '20190304 17:00:00', 100,
                            'MIDPOINT', 1, false, nil) do |_callback, _request_id, ticks, _done|
  pp ticks

This feature is currently under development, and not all the mappings have been configured yet. Please check section Add custom mappings if you want to contribute new mappings (pull requests welcomed).


Generated Ruby representations of Java IB classes

The IB API defines several value object classes to represent the interchanged data. For example, com.ib.client.Bar represents a candlestick of market data.

ib_ruby_proxy includes a code generation utility that analyzes the IB Java classes and generates:

  • For the client side, a Ruby representation of each IB class. These classes contain all the data properties and, also, a method for converting them into their Java counterparts.
  • For the server side, a Ruby extension to the Java class to add a method to turn them into their Ruby counterparts. This is meant for internal use when invoking API methods.

The list of generated classes is defined by the property classes of lib/ib_ruby_proxy/config.yml.

To execute the code generation script run:


Custom mappings

The mapped callbacks can be configured in the section mapped_callbacks of lib/ib_ruby_proxy/config.yml.

Each entry includes the name of the API method and a list of the callback methods related to that API call. The optional property discriminate_by_argument_nth is used for associating callbacks and methods based on the value of a given argument. This will be the request identifier in most cases.

        - historical_ticks
        - historical_ticks_bid_ask
        - historical_ticks_last
    discriminate_by_argument_nth: 0

Difference with ib-ruby

ib-ruby is a mature Ruby alternative for using Interactive Brokers that uses a different approach: it interacts with IB software by using lower level messages interchanges via sockets. It also offers a higher-level abstraction of the IB API. I prefer the approach of ib_ruby_proxy (I wouldn't have created it otherwise), but ib-ruby has been around for a long time, it is well maintained and eliminates the dependency of JRuby. You should definitely give it a try if you are thinking in invoking IB from Ruby.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/jorgemanrubia/ib_ruby_proxy.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.