The Infochimps Stupid Schema (ICSS)
An ICSS file is a complete, expressive description of a collection of related data and all associated assets. It is based on the Avro Protocol specification, with some necessary extensions
Icss::ReceiverModel -- a pragmatic, flexible framework for active structured data
(or: How to Be Object-Oriented in a JSON World)
class Thing
include Icss::ReceiverModel
field :name, String
field :description, String
class GeoCoordinates
include Icss::ReceiverModel
field :longitude, Float, :validates => { :numericality => { :>= => -180, :<= => 180 } }
field :latitude, Float, :validates => { :numericality => { :>= => -90, :<= => 90 } }
def coordinates
[ longitude, latitude ]
class Place < Thing
field :geo, GeoCoordinates
class MenuItem < Thing
field :price, Float, :required => true
class TacoTrailer < Place
field :menu, Array, :items => MenuItem
field :founding_date, Time
torchys = Restaurant.receive({
:name => "Torchy's Taco's",
:menu => [
{ :name => "Dirty Sanchez", :price => "6.95" },
{ :name => "Fried Avocado", :price => "7.35" }
:founding_date => '2006-08-01T00:00:00Z',
:geo => { :longitude => 30.295, :latitude => -97.745 },
# #<TacoTrailer:0x00000101d539f8 @name="Torchy's Taco's",
# @geo=#<GeoCoordinates:0x00000101d53318 @latitude=-97.745, @longitude=30.295>,
# @menu=[ #<MenuItem:0x00000101d51180 @name="Dirty Sanchez", @price=6.95>,
# #<MenuItem:0x00000101d4d468 @name="Fried Avocado", @price=7.35> ]
# @founding_date=2006-08-01 00:00:00 UTC >
# [ 30.295, -97.745 ]
# { :name => "Torchy's Taco's",
# :geo => { :longitude => 30.295, :latitude => -97.745 },
# :menu => [
# { :name => "Dirty Sanchez", :price => 3.50 },
# { :name => "Fried Avocado", :price => 2.95 } ],
# :founding_date => '2006-08-01T00:00:00Z',
# }
declaring fields
Declaring a field constructs the following. Taking
field :foo, Array, :items => :int
- accessors --
getter/setters. These are completely regular accessors: no type checking/conversion/magic happens when the object is in regular use. - receiver -- a
method that provides lightweight type coercion - field schema -- a
object describing the field, available through the.fields
class method. You can send this schema over the wire (in JSON or whatever) and use it to recapitulate the type elsewhere. - hashlike access -- retrieve a value with
, or set it withobject[:foo] = 7
Optionally, you can decorate with
- rcvr_remaining -- a catchall field for anything
d that wasn't predicted by the schema. - validations -- the full set of ActiveModel validations
- after_receive hooks -- including default value
Predictable magic
Magic only happens in the neighborhood of receive
- The initializer, getter/setter, and so forth are non-magical.
- Validation is only done on request, and type conversion when
is invoked. - Hashlike access is only for defined fields
receive methods
You can make a new ojbect using Smurf.receive({...})
, which is exactly equivalent to calling each of obj = ; obj.receive!({...}) ; obj
in turn.
returns a list of the fields with set values, in the same order as the class.field_names
Add ActiveModel validations with the :validates
option to .field
, or directly using .validates
class Icss::Handy
include Icss::ReceiverModel
field :rangey, Integer, :validates => { :inclusion => { :in => 0..9 }}
field :patternish, String
field :mandatory, Integer, :required => true
validates :patternish, :format => { :with => /eat$/ }
good_smurf = Icss::Handy.receive(:rangey => 5, :patternish => 'smurfberry crunch is fun to eat', :mandatory => 1)
bad_smurf = Icss::Handy.receive(:rangey => 3, :patternish => 'smurfnuggets!')
good_smurf.valid? # true
bad_smurf.valid? # false
bad_smurf.errors # { :mandatory => ["can't be blank"], :patternish => ["is invalid"] }
As shown, you can also say :required => true
as a shorthand for :validates => { :presence => true }
. A summary of the other :validates
:presence => true
:uniqueness => true
:numericality => true # also :==, :>, :>=, :<, :<=, :odd?, :even?, :equal_to, :less_than, etc
:length => { :< => 7 } # also :==, :>=, :<=, :is, :minimum, :maximum
:format => { :with => /.*/ }
:inclusion => { :in => [1,2,3] }
:exclusion => { :in => [1,2,3] }
creates a Hash field to catch all attributes send to receive!
that don't match any receiver fields. This is surprisingly useful.
Note that you can feed rcvr_remaining
a :values
option if you want type coercion on the extra params.
will redirect an attribute to a different receiver:
class Wheel
include Icss::ReceiverModel
field :name, String
field :center_height, Float
rcvr_alias :centre_height, :center_height
foo = Wheel.receive(:name => 'tyre', :centre_height => 18.2)
foo.center_height # 18.2
foo.respond_to?(:centre_height) # false
- It does not make any other methods, only a
that calls thereceive_(target)
method. - It makes no special provisions for both attributes being received.
after_receive(:hook_name){ ... }
creates a named hook, executed at the end of receive!
(and similar actions). Some examples:
after_receive(:warnings) do |hsh|
warn "Validation failed for field #{self}: #{errors.inspect}" if respond_to?(:errors) && (not valid?)
after_receive(:generate_id) do |hsh|
if !attr_set?(:md5id) then self.md5id = Digest::MD5.hex_digest(name) ; end
- Make sure your
blocks are idempotent -- that is, that re-running the block has no effect. Lots of things are allowed to triggerrun_after_receivers
field :default => val
You can use the :default
option to field
(or call .set_field_default
directly) to specify a default value when the field is empty after a receive!
class Icss::Smurf
field :tool, Symbol, :default => :smurfwrench
field :weapon, Symbol, :default => :smurfthrower
# default set for missing attributes
handy_smurf = Icss::Smurf.receive( :tool => :pipesmurf )
handy_smurf.weapon # :smurfthrower
# if an attribute is set-but-nil no default is applied
handy_smurf = Icss::Smurf.receive( :tool => :smurfwrench, :weapon => nil )
handy_smurf.weapon # nil
# you can also use a block; it is `instance_eval`ed for the value to set.
Icss::Smurf.field(:food, Symbol, :default =>
lambda{ (weapon.to_s =~ /^smurf/) ? :smurfed_cheese : :grilled_smurf }
brainy_smurf = Icss::Smurf.receive( :weapon => :smurfapult )
hefty_smurf = Icss::Smurf.receive( :weapon => :gatling_smurf ) # :smurfed_cheese # :grilled_smurf
- If a value is explicitly
, the default is not applied. - You may specify a block (as shown); the attribute is set to the result of
ing the block. - Defaults do not applied at initialization -- only when
is triggered. (so, thereceive
operation is complete). - The run order will be dependable on ruby >= 1.9 but not on 1.8.x.
Avro Protocol, Message, RecordType and Field
avro kind ruby json example schema example
--------- --------- ------------ ------- --------- --------------
null base NilClass null nil 'null'
boolean base Boolean boolean true 'boolean'
int base Integer integer 1 'int'
long base Long integer 1 'long'
float base Float number 1.1 'float'
double base Double number 1.1 'double'
bytes base Binary string "\u00FF" 'bytes'
string base String string "foo" 'string'
time base Time string "2011-01-02T03:04:05Z" 'time'
symbol base Symbol string :belongs_to 'symbol'
array structured (ArrayOfXXX) array [1,2] { 'type': 'array', 'items': 'int' }
map structured (HashOfXXX) object { "a": 1 } { 'type': 'map', 'values': 'int' }
enum named (EnumType) string "heads" { 'type': 'enum', 'name': 'result', 'symbols': ['heads','tails'] }
fixed named (FixedType) string "\xBD\xF3)Q" { 'type': 'fixed', 'name': 'crc32', 'length': 4 }
record named (RecordType) object {"a": 1} { 'type': 'record', 'name': 'bob', 'fields':[...] }
error named (ErrorType) object {"err":halp! fire!"} { 'type': 'record', 'name': 'db_on_fire, 'fields':[...] }
union union <UnionType> object [ 'long', { 'type': 'array', 'items': 'int' } ]
st.regexp simple St::Regexp string "^hel*o newman" 'regexp'
st.url simple St::Url string "http://..." 'url'
mu.epoch_time simple Mu::EpochTime string 1312507492 'epoch_time'
Base (int, float, string, ...)
A :base
type in an Icss file
Class .receive
method is just new
(where appropriate) with the appropriate conversion. Receiving nil
returns nil
without error.
Note that some of the base types are not present in the Avro spec.
Icss::Protocol specifics
Assets may include
- data assets (including their location and schema)
- code for api calls (messages) based on the the described records (including their call signature and schema)
- other referenced schema
See icss_specification.textile for more.
Huge thanks to Doug Cutting and the rest of the Avro maintainers.
Contributing to icss
- Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
- Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it
- Fork the project
- Start a feature/bugfix branch
- Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
- Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
- Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.
Copyright (c) 2011 Philip (flip) Kromer for Infochimps. See LICENSE.txt for further details.