API Wrapper

Get a full list of addresses for any given UK postcode using the API. We use the most accurate addressing database in the UK, Royal Mail's Postcode Address File.

Getting Started

Install it

gem install ideal_postcodes

Get an API Key

Get a key Try out the service with the test postcode 'ID1 1QD'

Use it

Do address lookups with a few lines of Ruby

require 'ideal_postcodes'

IdealPostcodes.api_key = "your_key_goes_here"

postcode = IdealPostcodes::Postcode.lookup "ID1 1QD"

#   postcode.addresses =>
# [
#       {
#           :postcode=>"ID1 1QD",
#       :post_town=>"LONDON",
#       :line_1=>"Kingsley Hall",
#       :line_2=>"Powis Road",
#       :line_3=>""
#       }, 
#       ... and so on


PAF is licensed from the Royal Mail and is, unfortunately, not free to use. Ideal Postcodes aims to be simple to use and fairly priced to use for web and mobile developers.

We charge 2p per external lookup.


More documentation can be found here