
Provides an interface to ImageMagick for extracting image information and resizing / cropping.


In your Gemfile:

gem 'image_resizer'


image =
processor =

# resize to fit the specified width, maintaining the original ratio
tempfile = processor.resize(temp_object, :width => 320)

# resize to fit the specified height, maintaining the original ratio
tempfile = processor.resize(temp_object, :height => 240)

# resize to the specified dimensions, cropping around the center to avoid stretching
tempfile = processor.resize(temp_object, :width => 320, :height => 240)

# crop the original image to a frame and resize the result
upper_left = [0.25, 0.15] # 25% from the left, 15% from the top 
lower_right = [0.75, 0.95] # 75% from the left, 95% from the top
width = 320
tempfile = processor.crop_to_frame_and_resize(temp_object,
                                  :upper_left => upper_left,
                                  :lower_right => lower_right,
                                  :width => width

# crop the original image around a point and resize the result
point = [0.8, 0.3] # 80% from the left, 30% from the top
width = 320
height = 400
tempfile = processor.resize_and_crop_around_point(temp_object,
                                  :point => point,
                                  :width => width,
                                  :height => height
                                  ), 'wb') { |f| f.write( }

# generate a .ico file with 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256 pixel square sizes
tempfile = processor.generate_icon(temp_object), 'wb') { |f| f.write( }

Any of the resizing and cropping methods accept an optional :format option that determines the output format of the file (:png, :jpg, etc.). If omitted, the original file format is maintained.


This project is heavily indebted to Dragonfly. We needed the ability to crop and resize images, but there didn't appear to be any gems devoted to just that. Paperclip and Dragonfly both perform scaling and cropping using ImageMagick, but both do so as part of a larger project. So we pulled the ImageMagick specific parts out of Dragonfly, added new specs and cropping options, and are releasing the result as a dedicated image resizing gem.