Image Gravatar
A simple plugin adding the img_gravatar
image link helper to ActionViews.
The gem is hosted on, which is the default Ruby gem hoster at this time (November 2009). All you need to install the latest version is run the following command:
gem install img_gravatar
What is a Gravatar?
A gravatar is a globally recognized avatar. It is an image hosted on the site, uploaded by the user and referred to on base of an eMail address. News on gravatar can be found at
Each gravatar image can be rated with respect to its content being suitable for a given audience. You might want to use the rating feature if you run a public site.
To use a gravatar on your system, your view needs the eMail address of the individual to be displayed. The most simple case is like this:
<%= img_gravatar('[email protected]') %> That's me.
This will render the image of the person known under the eMail [email protected] in your browser. If there is no person known with this name, it will render the Gravatar logo.
A more complex szenario would include a size definition, and an alt image tag:
<%= img_gravetar('[email protected]', { :size => 40, :alt => "That's me." }) %>
This would render a downsized image of 40x40 with the alt-tag “That’s me.”.
For a complete description of available parameters see ImgGravatar::InstanceMethods#gravatar in the ImgGravatar::InstanceMethods.
Configuration Options
You can modify the following aspects of the displayed gravatar image:
* :alt - the alternative text for this image
* :default_url - the default URL for this gravatar
* :size - the requested gravatar size
* :rating - the requested maximum rating
Building a new Gem
To create a new gem, you need to install the jeweler gem (see Next, edit the Rakefile to reflect your changes, then run:
rake clobber # remove generated stuff for a clean manifest
rake manifest # only needed if you changed the file set
rake build_gemspec # update the gemspec
Now, you can either publish the gem, or build a gem package. See rake -T for available targets.
Ruby 1.9
ImgGravatar version 0.2.0 and above runs on Ruby 1.9; older version will work only on Ruby 1.8.
The img_gravatar gem comes to you under the MIT License. You should find the license text in the file MIT-LICENSE in the gem folder.
The img_gravatar gem is not affiliated with the Gravatar service. Usage terms of the Gravatar service should be looked up at
Please note that changes to the Gravatar API or their terms of service or the cease of Gravatar service may result in breaking the img_gravatar gem functionality. This is considered out of the responsibility of the author of the img_gravatar gem.