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Allows including any object, not just modules. Of course, this is just in theory—see “Bugs & Caveats” below.


Simply run

$ gem install include_any

or include it in your Gemfile as usual.


The method of interest here is IncludeAny#include_any. By default this is not mixed-in anywhere, but doing

require 'include_any/core_ext'

will include IncludeAny into Class and Module.

Then we can get going:

class C
  def foo

class D
  include_any C

D.ancestors.include? C
#=> true
#=> "bar!"

Well would you look at that! We’ve included a Class. Magical!

Bugs & Caveats

Use at your own risk, kids. I would strongly recommend against using this in production code; it modifies the very core of Ruby's core, and if something goes wrong it will do so spectacuarly.

  • Currently seg faults if passed anything but a Class or Module. It should accept (most) any object.
  • Will probably fail to install or seg fault under anything but MRI 1.9.3.

See the issues for more.


Patches and improvements welcome. Especially if they fix a seg fault. Note that there is no intention to support Ruby 1.8.

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


© 2012 J. Andrew Marshall. All rights reserved. See the LICENSE file for more information.