
Provide a non-persistent Redis server for use in integration tests.


Many Redis test solutions work by completely mocking out the Redis client interface. This is sometimes a good approach, especially if you want to write pure unit tests. However, there are times you want to integrate with Redis safely for testing purposes.

Testing against a running Redis server instance can be tricky. Since Redis supports a few numeric database ids, knowing where it’s safe to tread during tests is iffy. This is especially true when writing tests that integrate through to the service inside a public gem. One errant redis.flushdb and you might have just dropped some cherished data on behalf of a user. That is, not good.


The IntegrationTestRedis class provides start, stop, and client methods to get at a Redis setup suitable for integration testing. It starts a running, non-persistent server for you.


ruby require "integration_test_redis" # Start the server IntegrationTestRedis.start # Get a suitable client to the server redis_client = IntegrationTestRedis.client # Stop the server. Also handled automatically in an at_exit callback IntegrationTestRedis.stop


This code was extracted from the work of various individuals to the Likeable codebase.

Copyright (c) (2011) Brendon Murphy. See LICENSE for details.